The Truth about Emperor King Paul (an answer) Manut, you are - TopicsExpress


The Truth about Emperor King Paul (an answer) Manut, you are joking. Emperor King Paul, with his more than 50 wives and above hundred children, is the most corrupt, dangerous and bloody General in South Sudan. The hatred and rejection he faces is based on his reckless pursuit of power and wealth and not because of his capability and dedication. This is why Dr. John decided to take him to Wild Life, where he would also have endangered the animals instead of protecting them. Malongs corrupt behaviours and determination to collect immense wealth started by selling not enslaved children to Christian solidarity International (CSI). He claimed that the Children were rescued from slavers and that those who saved them had to be paid. Good-hearted and friend of South Sudanese People, John Eibner, as well as Baroness Cox innocently believed King Paul. We all know that the children he was purportedly saving, were collected from Aweil Villages and were not brought back from Slavery. General Majak Agot reported this by then. The international groups came up with what was happening, but the issue was suppressed so as not to endanger the cause of the People of South Sudan. After trading with our children he started doing the same with Aweils Youth, which he sent to war in Upper Nile without proper military training. Wait and see how many of them have fallen, when the war is over. Thousand have been sacrificed their lives for King Pauls ambitions. He claims that they died for South Sudan and for Dinkaism and there are idiots who believe his nationalistic claims. He also misled President Kiir to believing that their was a coup. Aweil Youth, which was supposed to protect Mile 14, became the militia of Kiir in Luri and caused havoc in Juba in December 2013. When peace comes, we will all see the destruction caused by Emperor King Paul. Please keep your jokes about Malong for yourself. We know how he has been side-lining Aweil leaders in Juba. Dau Aturjong did not rebel for no reason. His Emperor King Paul feeding is many wives and children from his salary, the dirty money he made misusing the enslaved children, his private personal taxes of War Awar Market or the money he is now robbing from the Central Bank in Juba? At a time, he was even printing the Sudanese Currency and using for border trade, which led to conflict between President Kiir and President Beshir.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 14:26:13 +0000

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