The Truth about European civilisation. White folks [Crackkas] - TopicsExpress


The Truth about European civilisation. White folks [Crackkas] do amaze me. I mean, whats not to be amazed about? They trot around like pigeons and claim to have brought the world civilisation, when in fact they actually brought it destruction, death, diseases, division, hate, cruelty and inhumanity to mention a few. I know not all white folks subscribed/subscribe to this path, but 99.9% of you lot do benefit from all Ive mentioned above in one way or another. We look at the ancient world and we find that the area called Europe as a place and people just came into human history in the last few centuries. Not one significant contribution or significant level of development was accomplished by them before their contact with Africa. Now, just take a trip around the ancient worlds, go through Asia, youd see monuments, arts, cultures all dating back to thousands of years. Have a look at the Americas and youd be surprised at the vast cultures and monuments all spanning thousands of years and now to Africa, where youd find monuments, civilisations, cultures, artefacts, sciences, philosophies all pre-dating the previously mentioned regions - dating back to tens of thousands of years ago. And somehow, the European, the fresh-off-the-boat kids now claim to have brought the world some civilisation. Why arent the pyramids that span Africa and Americas in Europe? Why arent the cultures that date way back in Europe? Why arent those knowledge, artefacts, philosophies etc all in Europe? They are NOT there because they NEVER accomplished anything before they engaged on the evil mission of killing, stealing and destroying other men. Somehow, we the people who have created and made all these greatness were not civilised and the man that accomplished nothing was. No wonder, they tried so hard to change history and claim ancient Ethiopia - modern Egypt was their creation. And even when they have been exposed for their lies, they now say it was built by aliens. You really need to understand this fore-tongued Crackka, I keep saying! Why didnt the aliens go dine and build massive structures in Europe? Why? Aliens my foot! They simply cant accept their history of nothingness, savagery and backwardness! They have created this illusion that all was rosy in Europe and from there came the rest of the world. So when we take them back to the truth, they find it hard to take and you their muppets as well, you all find the truth a bitter pill to swallow. Im not here to cater to your insecurities, delusion, ignorance, nor am I here to play favourites. You could dance to whatever tune you please, that doesnt change the the facts that we all can verify. What man so civilised and prosperous in his lands and amongst his people will seek to go forcefully make another man in his homes rich? What man will spend his hard earned resources to subdue, murder, enslave, destroy other men with the sole mission of making them civilised? What man will actually enforce his principles of wealth on another man? That is the man the European claims to be. He was so civilised and prosperous that he had to somehow BRUTALLY ENFORCE his own ways, form of civilisation, tactics and principles on Africans and other men. How many of you have forcefully made another man rich? How many of you have seen it done? Hmmm And somehow we fell for this crap! Somehow we fell for this madness! Africa was and remains the prize. What we have they have not! - The history, the knowledge, the mental capacity, the understanding, the resources, the the fertile lands, the waters, the climate, the sciences, the arts, the people etc. That is what they came for - The destruction of our homes, the looting of our lands and people and the theft of our property. And what does the enemy do? Kill, steal and destroy! Take a look at their museums - Filled up with African accomplishments, take a look at their production houses back in the day, all filled up with our people in chains, take a look at their knowledge books, all filled up with African knowledge disguised as European and somehow they came to civilise us. Africans! Africans! We need to wake up from this slumber and delusion! We need to arise from this foolery and inferiority and this hole we have fallen into. As now the man who has stolen the world claims to have constructed it. Thieves and criminals; murderers and rapists have now become the lords and judges! The time to turn the tables around is NOW! By Teekay Akin [Akin Adeseye] 22/11/13
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 23:35:42 +0000

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