The Truth of Genesis: The Beast, The False Jesus,. & The Rapture. - TopicsExpress


The Truth of Genesis: The Beast, The False Jesus,. & The Rapture. Part 7B-Where? The seven days in Genesis 1:2 – 2:3 are taken from seven different weeks, and they follow the sequence of the seven feasts of Yehovah, and are the first revelations of Yeshua in the Bible. Chronologically, first is Passover, as represented by the Fourth Day, when Yeshua was crucified on Wednesday. The four spring feasts represent the tribe of Judah, and His humanity and royalty. The three fall feasts begin with the first day, and end on the third day, representing the tribe of Levi, and His Divinity and priesthood. This coincides with the Feast of Tabernacles, when Yehovah dwells with mankind, ruling from the New Jerusalem. In this chapter, we are in about the year 3021 AD, at the end of the 1,000 years of peace on Earth, and the saints being with Yeshua in Heaven. During those years, Yeshua will be judging the saints, giving them their just rewards…, both good and not so good. Some will be “beaten with a few stripes”, and some with many stripes (Luke 12:47-48). Many will be given other universes to rule (Matt 25:23), to replace the ones which had been ruled by the fallen angels, who had sided with Lucifer, and “kept not their first estate”, as stated in Jude 1:6. Meanwhile on Earth, the Beast and the false Jesus (Al Mahdi & Isa) have been the first to be tormented in the Lake of Fire and brimstone during these thousand years, and Lucifer is soon to be next. While Lucifer has been imprisoned in the bottomless pit, there has been peace and harmony on Earth. The gentiles have seen the error of their ignorance, and have sought out Jews to learn of the true God, their Creator (Micah 4:2, Jeremiah 16:19). But the 1,000 years come to an end, and Lucifer is loosed to perform his last dirty deed. This is the period of time in Revelation 20:7-10, Zechariah chapter 14, and Jude 1:14. For seven years, Lucifer will again deceive the nations, and the second Armageddon battle will occur, and Jerusalem this time will be overrun. But Yeshua shall return with his saints, set foot on the Mt. of Olives, and split the mountain in two (Zech 14:1-5), and fire will come from His mouth to destroy the armies of Gog and Magog. Now, finally, after more than 300 million years of tyranny, Lucifer is forever imprisoned in the Lake of Fire, to be tortured without rest, day and night. However, the Beast, false Jesus, and that old serpent will soon have lots of company. If the rapture was the fulfillment of the Day of Trumpets, then the White Throne Judgment would be the fulfillment of Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement. As stated by Paul in First Corinthians 6:3, the saints will judge the fallen angels. The remaining ones that will be judged, are the demons of this age, and the rest of mankind that did not make the rapture (first resurrection). Who will judge them? Will Yeshua judge them all, or will some of them be judged by the saints? I hope some are judged by the saints. It wouldnt surprise me if those that did wrong to the saints, would be judged by those very saints which they did evil to. In like manner, perhaps those that befriended the saints, might also be judged by the very saint they helped, and be given mercy, and allowed to live on the New Earth. I think it is worth noting that there are 10 days from the Day of Trumpets to Yom Kippur, which relates to 1,000 years. Five days later is the feast of Tabernacles. Does that relate to 500 year duration of the White Throne Judgment? Of all the billions, and maybe trillions of souls of mankind, would all of them be judged in just one day? There is even prehistoric mankind to consider. So, where does that leave us? Final judgment is over, Satan and his followers are finally put away, and Yeshua now rules Heaven, and the universe, from the New Jerusalem, His new Center of Operations. What happens next? Contrary to popular belief, none of the saints will be in Heaven, for only the angels are there. The only places the saints would be found are in the New Jerusalem, ruling in other universes, or maybe accompanying mankind that leave the New Earth to explore and possess other worlds in this universe, which Yehovah had made for mankind. I would think that most Jews would want to stay on Earth. Yet many gentiles would probably want to explore other regions of space. God made it so big, and so wonderful, that it should take an eternity for mankind to examine the depth of God’s imagination. It stands to reason that since there would be no death, the ever growing population would extend into outer space. First the near planets, and lastly the far away galaxies. Even though there would be such excitement visiting other galaxies to the far reaches of this universe, also think of the joy and comfort of living on Earth with Yeshua as our comforter. No more wild animals, or poisonous snakes. Just tame, friendly life forms that would cherish your attention. No more death, aging, or disease. No more mosquitos (I hope). Yes, we can expect to continue to work and have industry, and have honest civil authorities. But everywhere would be a paradise, with three and four day week-ends and more vacations. No hunger or poverty, and maybe not even ever again having the common cold. Life under the rule of Lucifer became a nightmare, and was not what Yehovah intended for his creations. But because one entity turned evil, all of mankind had to suffer, but no more. Even though I dread the coming seven years of tribulation, I look forward to the other side, when all evil will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, and we, that love the Lord, will have peace, joy, and comfort, praising the name of Yeshua. In closing, there are those that have posted “pre” and “post” tribulation prophecies on the web. As a comment, I post on their blog the truth with scripture, and find that those false teachers delete my comments. I can only surmise that these false teachers purposely want to mislead people. If they really wanted to spread the truth, they would accept both “pro” and “con” concerning their teachings. I say to all, “be not deceived”. Other than bad guesswork, there is no scripture that supports anything but a post tribulation return of Yeshua. Therefore, be certain that you have salvation, as preached by the Apostles, and not (trinitarian) false religion. True salvation is obtained by repentance, water immersion using the name of the Lord Jesus (Yeshua), and receiving the Holy “Ghost” of Yeshua, with the spirit speaking, that gives you the power to live without sin. It is those with that Spirit, which Yeshua will take to Heaven. But those with the Spirit, yet without remission of sins, will encounter catastrophe (Matt 7:22-23, Matt 25:32-34), and will not enter into the joy of the Lord. Have a blessed day and week May Yeshua bless you, Love, Debbie
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:58:13 +0000

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