~ The Truth will SOON come OUT! Ayahshua or Jesus as you call Him - TopicsExpress


~ The Truth will SOON come OUT! Ayahshua or Jesus as you call Him was BLACK! ~ My job as a Hebrew Cohen which means teacher in Hebrew is to prepare the children of Yisra’el and the Set Apart people that will be SAVED in spirit from all races, tribes and nations for what’s to come next in our world so that you do NOT be deceived or surprised when things begin to unfold and Satan begins it’s take over to form the New World Order which is designed to deceive MILLIONS in the last days and we are in those days NOW so get ready! My job is to alert you of the things that you see now and will see in the near future and to show you through scripture and through actual life examples of the deception currently in our world in hopes that you will avoid the temptation to believe a LIE as we ALL have already done for our entire lives! I believe now they are FORCED to change course in their teachings because the TRUTH will soon be revealed on it’s on but they would like to take credit and play a part of it as oppose to having mud on their face for teaching a lie to the WORLD our entire lives. Mathew 24:24 tells us that a false messiah is headed our way now and that EVEN people that are TRUE believers and Set Apart in the Most High will believe this lie and turn against TRUTH and STOP Believing! There has ALWAYS been a group of people in this world that wanted EVERYONE to feel that Ayahshua or Jesus as you may call Him was a white man with blue eyes and that lie was taught to us our entire lives misleading the world with this lie even though the scriptures has always described Ayahshua the Messiah or Jesus as you may call Him as a Man of bronze skin and hair of wool and that’s all in scripture and you can read it for yourself in Revelation 1:14. It’s NOT surprising to me for this to be in the book of Revelation which happens to be the LAST book of the Torah Bible because that’s what REVELATIONS actually means, TRUTH REVEALED! There are going to be a lot of truths that begin to come out about our scripture even the one that the story of Ayahshua or Jesus as you call Him is a COMPLETE LIE and that the stories in the Torah Bible NEVER HAPPENED and it was all taken from the Egyptians Temples and Pyramids! The scriptures warn us that deception is headed our way and I can see it coming in so many ways and on so many levels that it’s pathetic. My concern is for YOU and your spiritual stand with the Most High because it says that even the elect will turn against TRUTH! Will that be YOU? The photo I posted today is a very, very interesting Photo because it shows both the current Pope Francis and the last Pope Benedict XVI kneeling for prayer but they are doing so in front of an Image hanging on the wall of a Black Woman and her son. I’m NOT for sure if you are aware of this but the Catholic Church has ALWAYS worshiped a Madonna but most public photos of her with her son are photos of a white woman holding her son. This photo that you see that I posted today shows the opposite and she is BLACK and NOT White which has always normally been depicted! Many of you are probably saying, RANFORD who cares what color Mary and Ayahshua or Jesus her Son as you call Him are because it does NOT matter! My immediate response to you would be YOURE CORRECT, it should NOT matter so my question back to you is, why did they CHANGE IT if RACE didnt MATTER? They changed it, I DIDNT! However It does MATTER because if Ayahshua or Jesus as you call Him is BLACK that means the Children of Yisra’el and Moses are Black as well and that means that the people that call themselves Jews and are considered by the world to be the chosen people right NOW, all must be a LIE! Even though in SCRIPTURE and you can find it in the Book of Revelation it TELLS us that the JEWS are a lie and are NOT who they say that they are and it also tells us who they are and the scripture says they are the Synagogue of SATAN and I didnt say that YOUR Torah Bible says it and please go read Revelation 2:9 and see it for yourself before you look at me crazy! I have KNOWN of this now for over five years and it blew me away initially when I found this out because I immediately ask a question when I discovered this truth and it was, if they are NOT the Chosen people that is spoke about in the Torah Bible than who are? That’s when the Most High began to speak to me through Spirit and taught me things I have NEVER been taught before in ANY Church my entire life and I was FLOORED to discover the TRUTH! Exodus 19:4-10 tells you the story of when the chosen people were chosen by the Most High. Initially I was mad, I was angry and I felt mislead by the WORLD but ONLY momentarily and then I began to cry and weep out of LOVE for the TRUE knowledge of who I was and I IMMEDIATELY began to walk in my TRUE CALLING and the KNOWLEDGE of who I really was as a Black Man for the FIRST time in my ENTIRE life and I have NEVER looked back. My job now it to help others find this KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH and show them how to BREAK the LIFE LONG Curse! The Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) took me on a spiritual journey, one that KNOW MAN on earth has EVER taken me through and began to reveal things to me through SCRIPTURE and SPIRIT that could NOT be DENIED! I soon discovered that the Torah Bible was talking about me and that over 90% of the blacks in America are directly connected to the 12 Lost Tribes of Yisra’el and that we ALL were currently living under a generational curse that could ONLY be broken through Obedience to the Most High and by following His COMMANDS that Moses gave to us thousands of years ago on Mt Sinai along with His REAL NAME and then the Most High showed us a couple of miracles to back Moses up. Please read starting in Exodus 3:14 – 16 and also read Exodus 4:1-9. The Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) showed me through scripture that we are the people taken away by ships that would become bond men and bond women and no one would buy us and you can read that in Deuteronomy 28:68 and also about the FOUR Hundred Years of Slavery in Acts 7:6. Absolutely NO other race walking this earth today matches up with these descriptions and there is so many more scriptural evidence that line up as well but I will stop there for now. Please DON’T see my teachings today as Racist because they’re NOT! I LOVE EVERYONE and EVERY RACE on EARTH and ONLY the Most High knows this because He knows my heart. It’s NOT my fought that ALL of us were LIED to our entire lives and it’s NOT my fought for discovering and uncovering the TRUTH NOW! The Most High wants you all to begin to research the Vatican Church and the Black Madonna that some call ISIS and they even say she is BACK NOW and you will begin to see similar stories very soon in the news and online so brace yourself. I don’t know when everything is going to hit the fan but I know that it’s SOON! Who told me to teach all of you this info this morning? Ayahshua is His Name and He has much more to teach you through me next week, Shabbat Shalom!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:45:03 +0000

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