The Tsarnaev brothers: Refugees from Chechnya. The Kouachi - TopicsExpress


The Tsarnaev brothers: Refugees from Chechnya. The Kouachi brothers...???? I dont give a shit about political correctness. It is high time that we stop buying into this narrative that we all really want the same things: democracy, capitalism, freedom of speech, individualism, religious tolerance, womens rights, when social science repeatedly shows that that is just not the case. Now, countries like Morocco, Lebanon, and Turkey are vastly more progressive than Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Oman, but nonetheless...the Arab/Muslim world is a world apart. Their values are not our values and we would be fools to think otherwise. My heart goes out to the small but real percentage of liberals and free-thinkers in these countries. But to think that open border immigration policies and invasions of Arab/Muslim countries are going to get us all to sit down and realize that we are all just one happy human family is the biggest lie perpetuated by the ruling elites (both liberal and conservative) in Europe and the United States. As Ron Paul says, the best thing we can do with regard to the Middle East is stay as far away as possible. We should also heavily scrutinize immigration from these regions. While I dont support the extremist rhetoric of some political elements in Europe (notably Golden Dawn in Greece and to a lesser extent Le Fronte Nacional in France), I do think we would also be fools to think that our (US/Europe) unbelievably liberal and generous immigration policies are going to do us or them any good. Questioning immigration policies is not being racist/nativist/mean-spirited/ill-willed or any of the other things the political correctness police would like to term it. It is being sensible and pragmatic. Dont believe the lies that the ruling global elite would like to shove down your throat. We are not all the same and we do not all share the same values.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:52:15 +0000

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