The U.S. Government is an Ebola lie factory. Alleged man-made - TopicsExpress


The U.S. Government is an Ebola lie factory. Alleged man-made global warming or climate change has become the new version of the Devil or witchcraft. All the evils in the world, and every evil, can be blamed on it. Thus, CNS News: “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Ebola: ‘Consequence of Deforestation and Climate Change’” The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service posted on its website an article that claims Ebola is a “direct consequence” of manmade climate change. The article also stated that the virus specifically threatens conservation efforts focused on ape and monkey populations in Africa, including Guinea, one of the countries experiencing an Ebola outbreak and where the U.S.-run Chimpanzee Conservation Center is located. “The larger conservation connection, however, is perhaps less obvious: Ebola appears to be a direct consequence of deforestation and human disturbance,” the article stated. “Outbreaks are linked to long dry seasons (a consequence of deforestation and climate change), during which there is scarcity of food in the forest and all the animals, including fruit bats, feed on the same remaining fruit trees, usually fig trees,” it added. First of all, at a time when people are dying and waiting in quarantine to find out if their lives are endangered, it shows strange priorities that someone can be worried about a conservation center for Chimpanzees in Africa. In fact, it seems creepy and disturbing. Secondly, the allegations about climate change are just stupid and made-up. They say it because they want to believe it is true, and for no other reason. Read more at politicaloutcast/2014/10/government-ebola-lie-outbreak-result-global-warming/#MirWP1oVss8pRBkl.99
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 15:16:18 +0000

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