The UK Independence party is nothing more than the English - TopicsExpress


The UK Independence party is nothing more than the English Independence party in disguise, and this is why they are doing so well in their Popularity ratings and will consequently perform very well in the 2015 GE. Yet as we already know, the term ‘UK’ is another way of meaning England, so is ‘Britain’, ‘the Nation’ and ‘the country’. This Core Lie is what has kept the Smear spread over many Scottish eyes, as we seem to be included in this ‘family of nations’ as equal partners, when in reality we are included only to be subservient to the head of the family, the master who eats the gluttons share and who demands more than any other member of this perverted ‘family’; as is clearly visible when observing the Royal Heraldic Symbolism & Insignia of ‘the UK’, and when seeing with clear eyes the ‘Union Flag’; that Great British monstrosity which intentionally has Stamped the English Flag over the Other Three flags to proclaim Over-Lordship in the way that a farmer Brands a Prized Bull. So this is why UKIP are performing so well, because they have plagiarised some of the powerful language of the Yes Scotland Campaign and have transformed it into their rhetoric where it is Good and Proper to be a UK nationalist, but to be a Scottish Nationalist is very wrong; where to be a UK Separatist wanting to leave the EU is good and proper, whilst being a Scottish Separatist wanting to leave the UK is so very wrong. The whole situation is hypocritical beyond belief and smacks of a blatant ineptitude by the English establishment to come up with anything of their own creation as they seem far more comfortable in all their placid lukewarm Beige-ness to extract the Urine and copy the Yes Scotland campaign on many issues almost verbatim. This is why UKIP will perform so well in the 2015 General Election, because the English electorate realise exactly the same as we do, that the traditional Westminster parties are all Shades of the Same Shite who offer nothing that distinguishes them from each other, nothing that is clearly obvious as to what they actually stand for any-more. The Labour & Liberal-Democrat parties have Died and are awaiting Burial come the 7th of May 2015, yet their Ghost’s still believe their bodies are alive, in Utter denial, and are trying to convince us all that this is the case; but why would we believe phantom’s who cannot physically materialise when their Corpse’s are lying right in front of everybody for all to see and are starting to Decay and Putrefy and Stink? This is why UKIP will perform very well, and it is upon this Rot of the Great British Colonial Slave-ship that the SNP will perform very well indeed in Scotland; that the electorate, North and South of the Border, are sick of the Status-Quo and desire change. The SNP will deliver this long-lasting Positive Change for Scotland I have no doubt about it, and in the short-term so will UKIP for England as they shake the Roots and Branches of the London Establishment and force them to re-engage with the people. Moreover the surge in SNP v UKIP will ensure that the distinction between how Scotland thinks & behaves is never so obviously Independent of England than ever before in the Aeons of the Inter-connected history of these two Foreign countries. Therefore please, as Scottish Independence supporters, do not fear UKIP, as the establishment of such a clearly distinct and opposite Political Polarity between what the Scottish people elect when contrasted with what the English People elect will only serve to solidify, galvanise and strengthen our Movement and will increase the appeal of Scottish independence Ten-Fold as we are told for the umpteenth time that we must endure being Governed by a Right-Wing Regime that we did not Vote for. So Let’s roll with the punches people, utilize our People-Power & Smote our enemy on the Rocks when the Time comes to lay them Low! Lets win like Mohammed Ali, use Aikido like Mahatma Ghandi and when the time is right defeat our enemy in the spirit of all the Clans and Robert the Bruce! Saor Alba!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:11:11 +0000

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