The UN - the toothless tiger First established as a confederation - TopicsExpress


The UN - the toothless tiger First established as a confederation due to Nazi Germany , the UN represents the only institution of ascribing the task of maintaining world peace and to prevent war. This will only work if all Member States are willing to bow to the decisions of the Security Council . Not by chance that the five victorious powers of 2 World War II at the same time also permanent members of the Security Council . It must be very surprised that of all the main victorious power, the U.S. apparently did not consider it necessary to apply for an emergency meeting of the UN 1.a and 2 to respect the decision of the Security Council . President Obama is well aware that a military intervention in Syria would fail because of the veto of China and Russia . The circumvention of the UN by the United States means that this could be put entirely into question because the consequences for the United States are not expected. What sense does the United Nations Charter and international law at all if this does not apply equally to all Member States? In this case it was the U.S. who regularly made use of their right of veto when it came to resolutions that affected Israel , it therefore appears to be a difference who is affected by injustice. Here is a life deemed superior than the other, can or should it be? In addition, both the United States and Israel , as well as Russia, India , Pakistan and other not ratify the Rome Statute , so do not recognize the International Criminal Court in the Hague. This list makes it clear that each permanent member of the Security Council can block the necessary measures against an aggressor. Not just showing the impending military strike Americans in Syria that the UN is an instrument without powers ? Here, too, remains of the formal declaration of war , which would therefore make no sense , because the United States was attacked by anyone. The UN must be reformed The veto of a single state has the table, here as elsewhere, majorities should be decisive , otherwise meets the UN merely an alibi . The rights of all Member States must be strengthened , it can not be that basically only the permanent members of the Security Council to decide on war and peace. One can not avoid the impression that is a foreign policy tool of the Americans , the United Nations and the rest of the world holds back behaved themselves . Why is that? An alliance of states such as the United Nations can work only if it consists of members with equal rights and voting rights are evenly distributed , of which the UN is far away! Equally incomprehensible is the fact that there are still , 68 years after the war are now the so-called victors , who hold the reins in their hands by their sole veto. Therefore incomprehensible is the reluctance of Member States on this issue . The economic dependence of America may play a role . Money is the reason for the war in North Africa ? Of course, the global financial elite it is an eyesore that a strict prohibition of interest applicable in Islamic countries, which means that foreign investments are affected. So the rich nations can not benefit from the natural resources of these countries. Is it any wonder yet , that for example a central bank in Libya came after the attack in 2011 on the Western model ? The oil in these countries is therefore seen as a windfall gain . Here , history repeats itself . As said the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to the end of the 2nd World War II : " The unforgivable crime of Germany before the Second World War was the attempt to extract its economic power from the world trading system and to create its own exchange system in which the financial world could not earn . " ( was, according to the preface to the 2nd edition of propaganda in the next . ) Why would it have changed anything , on the contrary , the global high finance has long taken the lead and provides: Anyone who does not fit into the system , followed by amnesia ! It remains to be seen and to see if those central banks are on the western model also installed elsewhere , then it should be clear that we are dealing with economic warfare ! If it were simply a matter of protecting people from dictatorial rulers would have to take on a role where people die at the same time poverty , hunger and disease . That was certainly not the case in Libya , just as in the other countries of North Africa ! their Horst deserts
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:45:42 +0000

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