The UN Is NOT Your Friend! The U.N. Deception reports what the - TopicsExpress


The UN Is NOT Your Friend! The U.N. Deception reports what the nightly news does not: the UNs creators intended their organization to become a world government. Learn how top United Nations proponents exploit small arms, the environment, and justice to pressure Capitol Hill into quietly surrendering Americas heritage of freedom. Behind the mask of peace, brotherhood, and universal understanding, the United Nations promotes terror and tyranny in order to achieve its real objective: world government. Behind the soothing rhetoric about peace and human security offered by the UNs masters lurks a diabolical design for the destruction of human liberty. Ownership of the fruits of ones labor is essential to liberty. By its efforts to abolish the right to private property, the UN has shown that it cares nothing for individual freedom. To UN family planners, human life is not sacred but is a plague afflicting Mother Earth that needs to be cured by coercive population control programs. The UN Childrens Summit feigned compassion, but its true agenda was to bypass national sovereignty, usurp parental authority, and make all children subject to the state. Before global government under the UN can be established, a stronger supra-national economic order through which the worlds wealth can be controlled must be created. The United Nations, in its quest for global domination, is stepping up its efforts to disarm civilians. For Americans, this means an all-out assault on the Second Amendment. Through its proposed subsidiary, the International Criminal Court, the United Nations is plotting the ultimate subversion: The destruction of the American judiciary system. Our Founding Fathers set America on a course for peace, security, and friendly relations with all nations. In a world without the UN, we can return to this non-interventionist path. Learn how the militarization of American Police Forces is directly tied to UN Agenda 21.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 19:30:16 +0000

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