The US Blockade and the Cuban Economy Susana Llorente, - TopicsExpress


The US Blockade and the Cuban Economy Susana Llorente, Vice-President of International Relations of the Cuban Institute of Music, told reporters today that the US blockade disrupts the cultural relationship between the two countries. Although the presence of Cuban artists in U.S. has increased in recent years, in very few cases, can they market their presentations, she said. Martha Caballero, Vice-president of Image and Development of Products Trading Company and Cultural Services, Artex, has repeated that the wholesale service distribution of digital music has no direct access to U.S. companies that have high bargaining power in the global market. For that reason, she said, has been necessary to use intermediary entities, with a consequent reduction in marketing margins. We stop getting about $9 million dollars in 2012, not only for the damages caused in exports of goods and services, but also by the difference in import prices and additional costs in freight to be carried out through third countries, detailed Caballero. For his part, Benigno Iglesias, Vice-president of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry, said that the US blockade limited this institution in the provision of services and the use of licenses for the management of technologies, which, coupled with other restrictions, caused losses of more than 1 million dollars. Thus Cuban cultural institutions have lost $12.1 million dollars in the last year due to the constraints of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the U.S. for over half a century. It is clear from the commentators above that the siege prevents proper promotion, distribution and marketing of Cuban talent while extremely depressing the sale of domestic products, because of the control exercised by the big art transnational, mostly Americans. Of course this is just one sector of Cuban society that has been sorely affected. The lack of morality in Washington is so great as to mocks the overwhelming decision of the international community. All men of good will believe that the blockade against Cuba, will inevitably be lifted one day for the good of both the peoples of Cuba the U.S.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 16:05:49 +0000

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