The US/UK are scheduling an Internet War Game (or CyberWar Game) - TopicsExpress


The US/UK are scheduling an Internet War Game (or CyberWar Game) in a few. That launched this rhapsody of mine: As were all supposed to know, were admonished to Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts (like the Trojan Horse, not a piñata full of candy, but a fancy Armored Personnel Carrier stuffed to the mane with Trojan troops. The modern-day equivalent is: Beware of US and UK Governments staging War Games, Exercises, safety drills, Readiness Drills, Emergency Simulations. As weve learned by now, there were 45 or so war games going on on September 11, 2001. During the Boston Marathon (Keep calm, keep calm. Its only an exercise by Blackwater or Xe mercenaries cried out, till the bombs (which theyd planted, no doubt), went off. During Operation Newtown, for practicing how to handle the kiddies (and the rest of the world). There was Oklahoma City. There was July 4th in London, another in Madrid, now a newspaper in Paris. So when this war game Goes Live, as our shadow government likes to put it, what can we expect? Perhaps the bleaching of all dissidents? Im told that bleaching is the term used by the CIA, MI5, Mossad, other rogue Intel operations if those arent enough, to describe the process of killing every bit of digital information that exists about a person. That would encompass the deletion of email accounts, banking accounts, credit accounts, telephone accounts, cell-phone accounts, cable and satellite TV accounts, drivers licenses, professional licenses, social security numbers, affiliated websites. In other words, as a digital person you would be terminated with extreme prejudice--and no wet-work (assassinations where our precious bodily fluids provide the moisture) would be required. Of course, if wet work were to be required, well, there is always the Death By Drones Program, which an x-Pentagram employee, Rosa Brooks, described it (as captured by John Olivers program in Sept. 2014, from a recent seminar: Right now we have the executive branch making a claim that it has the right to kill anyone, anywhere on earth, at any time, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. This is perhaps the best definition well ever hear of the Death By Drones Program. And, we can say, the Executive Branch has come to be the Execution Branch of government. Aint it funny how etymology woiks! And heres what the Death By Drones Program has at its command. As those who participated in running the 2010 Census know, beginning late in 2009, a pre-census gang went out with GPS coordinate capturing devices and captured the global coordinates of every building, house, apartment--all human habitats, in other words. Those are now linked in the Census database, which of course is also the National Surveillance Agency database, the MI5, or GCHQ, database, and so on. An aside: Perhaps the Execution Branch will NOT disconnect cell-phone accounts, because one would suppose they would like to track us down when were NOT in our homes, apartments, businesses, schools, dining out, shopping in the mall, running the Good Will stores and Food Pantrys for the 99.99% trying to say afloat in The New Great Depression (very much like The New Pearl Harbor, but global in its reach.) I am not sure whether the Census Bureau bought the latest and greatest GPS scanners--I recall there being some kerfuffle about the Census buying the cheapest units they could get, rather than the most capable--but if they did buy the best, they may have also captured the Z-coordinate, Altitude--so, Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude. Now, altitude coordinates dont matter much when youre executing the residents of a village that has dwelling units no higher than two stories, and made out of mud bricks at that--and holds its loya jergas (sp?) with tribal elders sitting cross-legged on the ground. Its a kind of get one, get them all situation. But if the Execution Department wants to kill dissidents in US and UK high-rises, thats another matter. If they dont have the altitude info, the missiles will take out the base of the buildings, the under infrastructure as the late Peter Jennings put in in commenting on what he was seeing on 9/11/20012. And that arguably will kill every man, woman and child in the building. On the other hand, if the Census DID capture the altitude (height above sea-level), they can target the Hellfire missiles into specific apartments or offices. In that case, it would probably mean that only the men, women and children living above, below and adjacent to Apartment Zero would be killed--unless multiple Hellfires were used, in which case the entire top of the buildings would be toppled, perhaps. But we should all set our private Terrorist Alert indicators at Deadly Dangerous Your Government Terrorists At Work whenever any war games are announced. In fact, as a precaution, every lesser government entity than the Execution Branch--that would be State and Local governments--should pass legislation banning any and all such war games or practice drills that the military, the Abteilung der Heimats Versicherheit (AHV, aka DHS) or any other sub-department of federal scope (FEMAs another one to include). That would include the air, ground and bodies of water within state and local jurisdiction.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:04:55 +0000

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