„The US-UK led NATO is responsible for the biggest wide-spread - TopicsExpress


„The US-UK led NATO is responsible for the biggest wide-spread Holocaust of all time. US, UK and its allies bombed China 1945-46; Korea 1950-53; China 1950-53; bombing on Guatemala 1954; CIA agents bombed civilian targets and failed assasination of Sukarno in Indonesia 1958; Cuba 1959-60; Guatemala 1960; Belgian Congo 1964; Guatemala 1964; Dominican Republic 1965-66; Peru 1965; Laos 1964-73; Vietnam 1961-73; Cambodia 1969-70; Guatemala 1967-69; Lebanon 1982-84; Grenada 1983-84; Libya 1986; El Salvador 1981-92; Nicaragua 1981-90; Libya 1986; Iran 1987-88; Libya 1989; Panama 1989-90; Iraq 1991-2002; Kuwait 1991; Somalia 1992-94; Croatia 1994 (of Serbs living at Krajina); Bosnia 1995; Iran 1998 (shooting down civilian airliner); Sudan 1998; Afghanistan 1998; Yugoslavia 1998-2002; Afghanistan 2001-02; Libya 2011. US-UK encouraged and supplied Iraq military to invade Iran: 1.5 million casualities may have died in the Iran-Iraq war. Chile: 30,000 people were massacred; in Congo at least 3 million deaths; in Cambodia, US (and Brits) backed Pol Pot expelled the peace-loving king Norodom Sihanouk and massacre two million Cambodians. Korea: 3 million civilians were murdered by the USA and its allies; in Indonesia: approx one million civilians died by Suharto military regime backed by CIA; in Vietnam up to 5 million Vietnamese most of them are women and children were killed in by US saturation bombing campaign and brutal executions in villages all across South Vietnam; in Laos civilian deaths approx. 500,000 men, women and children commited by US Air Force helped by the Laotian ultra-right regime. The US Air Force dropped the equivalent of a planeload of bombs every eight minutes for over 3,000 days and nights (nine years) on the people of Laos — from 1965 to 1973. Over 2,000,000 tons of multiple-type bombs including deadly-toxic chemical, biological and depleted uranium bombs. This was some of the heaviest aerial bombardment in world history, after the hellish bombings on civilians in Hamburg-Hannover-Berlin- (wiki)“
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 05:19:17 +0000

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