The US in Latin America. 1961 - Americans kill the President of - TopicsExpress


The US in Latin America. 1961 - Americans kill the President of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo, which they brought to power in the 30-ies Brutal dictator was killed not because frankly robbed the country (60% of all income countries went directly to it in his pocket), but for the fact that its predatory policies have caused too much damage to the American companies. In 1961 in the possession of the CIA were budgetary funds (560 million dollars), which went to Finance special groups Mongoosewho organized the bombing of hotels and other Cuban buildings, infects cattle and agricultural planting, dobavljaca toxic substances to the sugar exported from Cuba, etc. At the beginning of 1961, the U.S. broke diplomatic relations with Cuba, and declared it an economic blockade. In April, they organized an armed attack Cuban counter-revolutionaries in the area of Playa Giron. 1962 - the dictator of Guatemala Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes suppresses with Americans popular uprising, hundreds of people go missing, widely used in torture and murder, the country is immersed in terror. Trained by the Americans graduates of the infamous School of the Americas is particularly distinguished in torture and mass killings of the civilian population. 1963 - Salvador. The destruction of the group of dissidents with anti-American views.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 09:34:47 +0000

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