“The USA is the greatest country in the world”. It is not only - TopicsExpress


“The USA is the greatest country in the world”. It is not only Americans opinion – evidently it is the opinion of the people in a half of the whole world. At least it’s the opinion of the most part of Europeans (otherwise why are the Europeans so bending down before the USA and so submitting to this country?). And there are the bases for such opinion: the USA is one of the biggest countries, there is very high level of life there, the currency and the language of this country are the most popular in the whole world. And Americans are very proud of the their history. Their history is glorious, it consists of 300 years (maybe – even of 500 years). The history of another country is not worthy of attention at all comparatively with the history of the USA. Well, why must we remember different dates and facts since immemorial times (sometimes – even since the times before Christmas)? It’s terrible! And evidently Americans decided to help to the whole world to get rid of the unnecessary problems: let’s gradually all the people limit themselves by studding of history of only last several centuries. And better of it – to remember only dates and to invent whatever “facts” for these dates. It’s because all these events are in past and nobody will not check all of it. Maybe… To know if such system is working – Americans decided to begin to do so since the most recent past (it’s not worth to worry about the events which are early than the XXth century if the distorted statement of the events of the XXth century would “work out”). Now it’s found itself that the USA won in the Second world war, that the USA saved the whole world from the fascism, that now the USA is saving Russia from hunger. The Americans spread such information everywhere. Wow, many people believe in it! So now Americans can start the interpretation of the events of the XIXth century… But ladies and gentlemen, let’s help Americans to expound their history (of course, they will “unpack” European and Russian history without help). Thus, where from is “the American earth”? Before the XVIth century the history of the USA was not exist. And it could not exist before the XVIth century because AMERICANS didn’t live there in those times. From ancient times American Indians lived at the territory of the contemporary USA (Eskimos lived at Alaska). But Indians and Eskimos are not Americans at all! The real Americans are the people whose ancestors were born on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. The XVIth – the XVIIth centuries: 8 years before the new century Ch. Columbus discovered the America. The first Americans from Europe are beginning to go to the territory of America bringing the civilization. Somebody names this process “the European colonization” when the native people were being destroyed and displaced, but it’s not truth. The evidences for it are not sufficient like Jen Psaki likes to speak. Probably the American Indians expressed the wishing to live at the reservations themselves. Maybe even the referendum about it took place. And probably the Negroes wanted to go from Africa to plough in American plantations as the slaves too. The end of the XVIIIth century: during the American War of Independence the independent country – the United States of America – was created (in 1776). In 1787 the American Constitution was accepted and the greatest invention of all times and nations – American (exactly – American) democracy – was created. Of course, it’s necessary to compare this “invention” and so – to bring happiness to all mankind. George Washington became the first president of the USA in 1789. With the help of the military force he helped the true Americans to settle down on their legitimate territory. This territory was expropriated from the insolent Indians which dared to resist to these acts. Leaving the presidential fasting G. Washington bequeathed to the country (the USA) “to support the peace and the agreement with all countries”. (It’s interesting: what did he mean?...) The XIXth century is the century of very “good harvest” for the USA. In 1803 the USA bought Louisiana from France. In 1819 the USA forced Spain to cede Florida. In 1840-s – 1850-s the USA seized more than a half of the territory of Mexico (of course, so Americans didn’t break “the peace and the agreement”). In 1867 the USA bought Alaska and the Aleutian islands from Russia. 1861 – 1865: the Civil war at the USA between the northern states (which were for the abolition of the slavery) and the southern states (which didn’t wish to part with free of charge workforce). Of course, in democratic country this problem could be decided only by war way. At the beginning of 1861 eleven southern states created the Confederate States of America, accepted their Constitution and elected their president – past senator from Mississippi J. Davis. But such action of the southern states didn’t conform with American democracy. And the 12th of April of 1861 the northern states began the war. Later they agreed to write everywhere that the southern states began it and attacked the Fort Sumter. But we have not evidences for it. Even if it was so – the southern states had the right for it because Sumter was in Southern Caroline which was one of the Confederate States of America. So here we can speak about the annexation of the independent territory by the northern states. The Civil war finished by the victory of the northern states, by the interdiction of the slavery and by the implantation of the American democracy in the WHOLE country. This war is the most bloodshaded war in the history of the USA. But it demonstrated the new possibilities of the war equipment and it had influence on the development of the art of war. But the most important thing – this war helped to understand the simple truth: it’s enough only “to wage war” to overcome an economic crisis. But desirablely this war must be in “another territory” and in a region with rich environmental resources. So the victorious procession of democracy through the whole world began. The results of the Spanish-American war which was waged by the USA are the attacks of Philippines, Puerto-Rico, Guam in 1898. Also the USA did Cuba American colony in fact. But why are these rude words: “war”, “colony”? The USA did the favour for underdeveloped island people and taught them the right life and the democratic basis. The first half of the XXth century: at the beginning of the century the USA several times did the arm invasions in the territories of the Latino American countries teaching these countries to the ideal structure of society. In 1907 there was a world economic crisis everywhere. It touched the USA most of all. The production output was reduced by 15 % in this country. It was necessary to do something with such situation and Americans decided to correct themselves economic situation by the weakening of other countries during the war. And then the First world war was being finished it was necessary to take a side of anybody. And in 1917 – 1918 the USA decided to take part in this war and to take a side of Entente (the union of Great Britain, France and Russia). After the finishing of this war the USA became the leading country in the world. But in 1929 new world economic crisis began what reduced the USA to sharp collapse of production and to increase of unemployment. But it’s not a trouble! The great American nation already knows how to struggle with it. It’s necessary to do the “operation” as it was in 1910-s. And it’s necessary to begin a war if there is not a war nowhere for this moment… 10 years were needed to begin (to “wage”) a great company. Americans had to be busy to do it but at the end everything turned out. Oh, the USA didn’t want, didn’t want to take part in the Second world war. But the “most favourite” allies of this country compelled the USA to it very much. It was a success to draw with it until 1944 (all this time the USA was promising to the USSR to take part in the war). By 1944 it was understandably who will win in the war and the risk “to get into not suitable company” was minimum. And in 1945 it was possible to share with the USSR the victorious laurels. Stop! Why – “to share”?! I forgot that it’s the USA who won in the Second world war! It’s only the USA! But until a time let the USSR think that the USSR is the victor. Very soon the USA will begin to work on the process of “the engaging the right side of history” by the world public opinion. And the victorious throwing of bombs on the Japanese towns (obviously, the citizens of these towns were very dangerous for the whole world) is the indubitable merit of the USA. There are no competitors here. The second half of the XXth century is the time of the heyday and the spreading of the great American democracy. And it is a time of the adjusting of “the peace and the agreement with all countries” (as great G. Washington bequeathed). At the second half of the 1960-s the program of the social-economic events of the creation of “the great society” was carrying out. In that times the law about the electoral rights of Afro-Americans was accepted. Since that times the Negroes (rights of which were infringed before that) became the Afro-Americans or the black-skinned. And they became the most “honourable” and “protected” members of community. (Dear Negroes, don’t take offence because these words, please!!! You are clever people and you understand that the word “Negro” designates the race and it sounds as well and proudly as the words “European” and “Mongol”.) With the times it became closely to be in bounds of one continent for American democracy. And since 1965 (until 1973) the USA started to lead the war at Vietnam themselvesly. But “the Soviet occupation” (the communist regime) settled in Vietnam better than American democracy. Consequently it is necessary to work with “invaders” immediately… Oh, it was terrible work – to drag the USSR from the antidemocratic “bog”! The USA were tormented with it till the beginning of 1990-s. But the effect was colossal! Not only the countries of already FORMER (YES!) the USSR but even all European countries which were socialistic – all of them stood up on the right way of the building of American democracy in their own countries. It was the grandiose triumph of the great United States of America! But during the coming of the nice democratic times many countries were so glad that they were “breaking”, were crumbling and were becoming as several “pieces”. It was not only because the process of coming of the democracy but also because presence of the armies of NATO (which are the main defenders of Europe from the Soviet influence). The USA and NATO peace-lovingly explained all charms of the beneficial American influence if at the beginning somebody (for example, Serbs at Yugoslavia) wasn’t glad for this influence. In general, after the collapse of the socialistic system since the middle of 1990-s the economic rise at the USA began. And then the USA became to pull out the conception of the one-polar world with one leader (the USA pulled out themselves on the role of this leader). The beginning of the XXIth century is the great continue of the previous period. But the first year of this century wasn’t very successfully: on the 11th September of 2001 terrorists-mortals in the aircrafts attacked the International trade centre at New-York and Pentagon at Washington. There were victims there. And it is appropriately to refer to the wonderful phrase of Jen Psaki: “We could condole with the relatives of the people who died after this terror act. But we have not enough evidences that these people are really dead. This fact needs checking and making more precise”. But after this event president G. Bush-junior didn’t examine the situation at all and began the war operation “The retribution” at Afghanistan. This operation was aimed at the destruction of bases of the terrorists (which were not terrorists and were the legal powers of Afghanistan). During these events the USA and their good assistant NATO were adjusting the democracy at Venezuela, Iraq, Haiti, Syria, Libya, Ukraine (it had different degrees of success at each country). (It was a big surprise for the Americans then they knew that Ukraine is the country and it isn’t an outskirts of Russia!) The USA can do an ideal order at any country of the world. Mainly – to chop everything pettily and “to make even earth”, “to prepare a platform”… By the way, last time the USA brings not only the democracy but also restitution. It means: if in past times your ancestors had any property which after that fell to another man (to other people) lot then in present times you have right to have this property. It’s brilliantly, isn’t it? Oh, yes!.. The history of the USA is really glorious! It’s as the history of Roman empire (by the way, Roman empire disintegrated then it had wanted “to bite off a too big piece”). But the history of “North-American empire” is continuing WHILE. And its democracy, “peace” and “agreement” may be brought to any country which Americans can like and at any times. That’s why I would like to advise all countries at the world: “Be afraid of the Americans bringing the democracy!”. And I would like to apply to American Indians. Dear American Indians, pay your attention to the principle of restitution! “The real Americans” like it very much but while they didn’t experience this principle. Maybe it’s worth to give them such possibility? Because the American Indians are the real masters of American earth!!!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:56:38 +0000

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