The Ukrainian government intends to introduce a new tax on - TopicsExpress


The Ukrainian government intends to introduce a new tax on importers and manufacturers of electronic devices. The corresponding document was published on the website of the State Intellectual Property Service. It makes changes to the government resolution of 27 June 2003 number 992 ("On the amount of deductions manufacturers and importers of equipment and media (...)"). The list of goods subject to tax in this ordinance proposed substantially expanded. In the new edition there will be 38 items, in particular, will be mobile phones, tablets, laptops, DVD-players, flash cards and so on. The fee will be set for each device separately and range from 0.06 to 1.5 per cent of the price (in this case for importers this will be the percentage of the value specified in the contract, and for the producers - the percentage of the selling price). For example, a MP3-player fee is one percent, for a mobile phone or tablet - 0.15 per cent for flash cards - 0.75 percent. As writes edition «», for iPod Touch size of the input tax will reach about 30 hryvnia ($ 3.7). The tax will not be charged for the importation of equipment intended for personal use. The proposal put to public debate, which is expected to last until June 22. In recent days, this is not the first initiative of the Ukrainian authorities, associated with the introduction of new fees. So, before it became known that the National Agency for Tourism and Resorts has proposed a tax on foreign holidays at the rate of one per cent of the minimum wage.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 04:18:27 +0000

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