The Ultimate Body Applicator formula A.k.A Wraps, A.K.A Those - TopicsExpress


The Ultimate Body Applicator formula A.k.A Wraps, A.K.A Those Crazy Wrap Things is a combination of herbal and botanical ingredients blended together and infused on what It Works! calls its “non-woven cloth” . You can place the body wrap anywhere you want skin to appear firmer, from the chinline down to “cankles.” Although you’ll only need to wear it 45 minutes or a bit more, the Ultimate Body Applicator continues to work its magic for 72 hours. Here are some of the yummy ingredients*: Horse chestnut – According to the National Institutes for Health, horse chestnut seed extract is good for treating varicose veins Green tea – Known to protect the skin from sun damage, caffeine also is showing much promise in fighting wrinkles and sun damage Bladderwrack – This is a type of seaweed and helps aging skin Ivy leaf extract – Reports in from Europe say this is good for reducing stretch marks Horsetail leaf/stem extract – Known to help encourage weight loss Butcher’s Broom root extract – Combats varicose veins Guarana seed extract – A shrub rich in caffeine, known as a stimulant, and expected to increase fat burning Jojoba seed oil – Similar in structure to human skin oils, jojoba is good for unclogging pores Menthol – Comes from mint, used to treat sun burns and as a topical analgesic Rosemary leaf oil – Chock full of antioxidants Eucalyptus leaf oil – Used for acne … Plus, doesn’t it smell wonderful? These are just some of the amazing ingredients found in the solution on our Ultimate Body Applicator body wraps, Let me know if I can help you get your hands on some of our other fabulous products! :) -Tay
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:45:53 +0000

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