The Uncertainty of the Poet. •Isaac Newton: If I have been - TopicsExpress


The Uncertainty of the Poet. •Isaac Newton: If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. •Isaac Newton: Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. •Every minute dies a man, Every minute one is born; I need hardly point out to you that this calculation would tend to keep the sum total of the worlds population in a state of perpetual equipoise, whereas it is a well-known fact that the said sum total is constantly on the increase. I would therefore take the liberty of suggesting that in the next edition of your excellent poem the erroneous calculation to which I refer should be corrected as follows: Every moment dies a man, And one and a sixteenth is born. I may add that the exact figures are 1.067, but something must, of course, be conceded to the laws of metre. ~Charles Babbage, letter to Alfred, Lord Tennyson, about a couplet in his The Vision of Sin •Since those who are behind you are infinitive & those who are a head of you are infinitive therefore mathematics is the poetry of logical ideas thus If two wrongs dont make a right, thry tree because infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling built in the air buy taxes people with a lot of heirs in the sir-rounding. ~Ehab M H Shehab. •Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. ~Albert Einstein •Mathematics are well and good but nature keeps dragging us around by the nose. ~Albert Albert Einstein ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were born to leave a print so do your part for goodness sake, place a soft good hand in useful life activity lines and remember that your personal memory will not last for ever but nature never forgets and the earth always listen while the sky always see. It was just a matter of a surprise surprise when that young gale went out with Socrates then later this young lady got married to Aristotle and she became an Aristocratic women. So life is just a matter of this & that where this is a destiny and that is faith ( All Mankind Are Subjects To Aristocracy So Move On With Your Aristocratic Blood Line ). youtube/watch?v=ZaViL2Yy6K0&feature=share Vision is dependant on which directions your ears are hearing the sir-rounding sounds. Beggars cant be choosers other wise they will be great losers. Dont bite the pens & the hands that feeds you. Theres no time like the present. The pen is the tongue of the mind. Actions speak louder than words. A pen & a dream can take you anywhere while a pen & a present can get you somewhere there. The General Constable is an ununiformed painter of the actual & the ideal sir-rounding life cycle working through the days No two days are a like, nor even two hours, neither were there ever two leaves of a tree a like on the pen tree since the creation of the universe for Constable General is constantly trying to achieve not only the truth of nature but also the nature of the truth. In the Science of Arts like the Arts of Sciences there are two different hours & two different modes by which mankind aimed at distinction, in the first by the careful applications of what others have accomplished and in the second by the careful observations to the nature of laws & the laws of nature in every science of arts and every art of sciences then using a pen & ruler to draw new lines for others & next generations to allow them to start from where others have ended and to apply & accomplish more & more in the near & far future. The general constable vision to the word can not be easily represented in worlds as the painter vision to the sir-rounding life cycle is always superior than the audience and allowing the audience to have a clearer vision & understanding to their sir-rounding life cycle. Mankind. Once a person is determined to help themselves, there is nothing that can stop them-Nelson Mandela Mankind Proverb. We humans are living in a Cord sequence reality lines According to the queues wear we belong to and life cycle naturally generally determines were we go according to our individual performance in the queue and the collective performances of the lines wear we exist. Thus the future is confidently alone but totally together allowing naturally the best to rise above the rest will help ensure the successful continuous progressions of the whole of our communities as well as the evolution of mankind were we evolved from knowing that A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.. Our communities will develop & progress only if we are able to talk together constructively & help each other to build the new word were we are heading to? knowing that our older generations main aims where to show us the way but they did not see by the same vision like we now do and they did not speak the same worlds like we now speak thus we need to know that “For last years worlds belong to last years language and next years word await another voice.” Honesty is the best policy. If 65 million British Citizen stand in a queue for each one of them to sit down on the prime minister chair only for one year then this will take 65 million years but if each Citizen move in line with the queue all the British Citizens will be sitting on the prime minister chair of the mother of parliaments thus the future is confidently alone in line with the queue but totally together with the count tree. Knowing that your life cycle as well as your families, your next generations and all your loved ones will be dependant on the theme & thread of your line and based on who are you in the queue, where are you in the queue, how well are you doing in the queue & how well are you performing generally in life. Thus an understanding to all the social components around your life cycle and positive participations from you towards all the social components around your life cycle and towards your earth mother community around you will help yourselves as a community to move on forward all together towards the better and it is a ship mates ok because realistically a single tree of counts makes a countree which creates an earth mother called a nation and your human parameter as well as your human biometrics and human body calibre is dependant on your location, your position & your condition within this particular nation blue blood stream and ethically correctly every nation is a science coin & a pen tree framework for her children red bloodstream called The population who are connected and linked together in an echo-nomical cord sequence reality a secret chain of echo between them called the pronunciation their blue ship together and their echo together creates a national ego that unifies them, identifies them & surrounds them in a membrane then protects them inside the blue ship membrane of their own earth mother nation ware every human living organism in the nation have an individual nominal & numerical echo & ego value connecting & belonging to the nation. Science a nation is a woman we need to know about women the fact that ladies does not cause famine, conflicts and all sorts of human made disasters but mainly ( The fee balances charged by ladies from the communities/societies for the males & from the males causes all sorts of famine, conflicts & human made disasters thus we can observe that females are the principal reasons for most of the human made disasters because of their fees which should be balanced ethically & correctly according to the cord of their own earth mother nation where they exist because they live inside the membrane of this cord where they have to give & take a two way relationship linking this food chain inside their membrane ). Theres MALE inside FEMALE , MR in every MRS , HE in each SHE . Which prove that MAN cant live without WOMAN! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smiling is charity. Nature speaks in nonverbal communications way so be vigilant, watch out & observe what comes your way from the blue because its a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts the truth and intentions of nature in any given time Read through the blue.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:02:57 +0000

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