The Unexamined Life: Carl Jung the father/grandfather of much of - TopicsExpress


The Unexamined Life: Carl Jung the father/grandfather of much of modern psychology thought the unexamined life was not worth living. It is in this context I offer a challenge particularly to those who call themselves religious to think about It. The Quebec charter becomes an opportunity to look at the question. There are those that say they will take the charter to court to challenge it . I personally would like to take religion to court to challenge them. During the period of civil rights and all the other rights movements legislation for human rights has been passed in a number of jurisdictions and within that format the concept of systematic discrimination is referred to and cases have been brought forward which clearly show that the practices of a particular government, organization has excluded people systematically. I would suggest that the major religions universally recognized have engaged in systematic discrimination of both women and gays .If I was able to appear and bring before the courts I would ask : *who are your gods? *who serves in your priest, preacher class? *what are your rules around Marriage? *what roles do people in your organization carry out? *who makes the rules of your group? and lots more questions --but if you just stick with these five questions I think a pattern of systematic discrimination will emerge. Of course in all the religions there are variances because over the years groups of people have broken off because of disagreements over the way things were done . Earth based matrilineal systems of beliefs are usually excluded from the idea of being religions and usually thought of as part of the anthropological understanding .One thing I see as different is who gets to talk--maybe that is not important but I noticed that most people like to communicate and that implies talking with not at someone--the major religions give the talking stick to one or two people and usually those people are not young , not gay, not women. so Quebec is suggesting if you have religious beliefs do not bring them to work in the public sector. You are there to do a defined job When we look at human rights it does get somewhat complex and rights bump up against each other --but is there any doubt really that religion has gotten away with systematic discrimination for quite some time
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 22:57:20 +0000

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