The Unfaithful Bride (Long but an important letter to the - TopicsExpress


The Unfaithful Bride (Long but an important letter to the Church) I am no longer a Christian. Now that I have your attention, let me explain: The term “Christian” has lost it’s meaning because those who claim the name have redefined the term by their actions, mis-actions and/or inactions. The word “Christian” no longer means to be a Christ believer/follower. It now is better defined as one who tries to be good, do the right thing and is sincere in their belief, whatever that belief may be. The core expectations of God are ignored by most of those who are in the modern day church. It’s simply too hard. • The Greatest Expectation to love the Lord your God completely, requires that we cease being the central figure in the universe. • The second Greatest Expectation is to love our neighbor as our self. Which the modern “Christian” reinterprets as “Love yourself.” • The new Expectation is to Love one another within the “Church.” Right Model, Ignored Jesus established the most effective growth program for the church: Discipleship. It is simple and effective, yet, almost universally ignored by the church. Being a “disciple” is too specific, too demanding, too costly. Disciples are commanded to love one another. Jesus said, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Exodus Pastor, church member, listen: People are leaving the church. You think it’s the culture outside the church causing the Evacuation, but you are wrong. They are leaving because of the culture inside the church.They are leaving because the Church world is shallow and those who lead find it much easier to talk about the decline of morals, failures of political leaders, and the media than to go and make disciples. • There is no passion for the lost. • There is no disciple sacrificing time to make disciples. • There is no prayer connection with God. These can be summed up in one statement: “Church is a place, an activity, a calendared item. Church is not Christ in me doing the will of God with others who have Christ in them doing the will of God.” Yet, if the church would embrace the principles of Christ, His discipleship model, loving others, and follow Him, America would be a very different place, the world would be a different place. The current moral climate is the result of a failed and flawed church, a failure of Church leadership, and the failure of all “Christians” for decades. The blame for a post-christian world is owned exclusively by pastors and leaders in churches who have refused to truly follow Christ. Something is Verily Verily Wrong We have, by example and action, made Sunday at a church building the prime time to evangelize and disciple the masses. All eyes focused on the stage. Excitement and emotion are crafted to manufacture a redefined worship with eye candy, ear candy and heart candy. Everyone is hoping the Pastor or a paid staff person led someone to Christ that week or a heart was changed during the service. The alter call is verification that we are reaching the world and our attendance and offering verifies we are healthy. Invitation to an event is the method of evangelism and discipleship is a DVD study. One-on-one discipleship takes too long, requires too much personal sacrifice and does not produce the immediate satisfaction of a crowd. Pulpits in America have become platforms for performance. The crowd is too diverse to challenge anyone to surrender ALL to Jesus. The message of Christ must be generalized, so all can find comfort and be a part of the church. People are busy, therefore programs must be streamlined, simple and make attainable to all the easiest path to being a “christian.” In the busyness that surround lives, the church must also be competitive, therefore marketing, corporate branding and the right tag line is essential to pull in the most visitors. The church needs to be inclusive, inoffensive, with optional opportunities to “grow.” It’s all about growing numerically, becoming bigger, better, and busier than the other churches. Churches do surveys and studies and gain council on how to attract people to their church. Churches make numerous decisions every year and sometimes even ask God to bless those decisions. The church has ceased to speak as if it had something of substance to say. The church has lost it’s first love. The true church however is not a building, not an organization, and not even a group of “members.” The church is the body of Christ made up of many parts. (We who are followers of Jesus.) I am the church with a mission to go and make disciples. I am a follower of Christ. Todays Starting Point If you get behind all videos will be Here, but please try to do one a day.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:00:18 +0000

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