The Ungrateful Creation: Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an, - TopicsExpress


The Ungrateful Creation: Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an, describing the state of the human being and this is the state that not just myself, not just you as a viewer but all of mankind before this verse is revealed and after this verse was revealed and till the day of judgment, this is a state that every single one of us continuously experiences. And that is where Allah (SWT) describing the human being says… innal insana lirabbihi laqanood Man, for his lord is extremely extremely ungrateful. Allah (SWT) gives you your ears to hear with, Allah (SWT) gives you your sight to see with, Allah (SWT) gives you your hands to move with, to shake with, to touch with, to strike with, Allah (SWT) gives you your feet to walk with but at the same time Allah (SWT) is going to question you for all of this. To remind the human being, Allah (SWT) describing the state of the human being, he says “innal insaan” ‘this man’ is extremely ungrateful for Allah (SWT). When was the last time you extended your hands to the sky and said, ‘O Allah! I really thank you for every single thing that I have.’ ‘O Allah I really thank you for the house that I have, that keeps me warm during the winter.’ ‘O Allah ! I thank you for the air conditioner that I have, that keeps me cold during the summer.’ When was the last time you extended your hands to Allah (SWT) and said, ‘O Allah! I thank you that my brain functions properly. O Allah! I thank you that my eyes function properly. O Allah! I thank you that my feet functions properly.’ When was the last time any of us did this? wa innahu ala dhaalika la shaheedh, wa innahu li hubbil khairi la shadheedh But you know what Allah gives, gives, gives and man takes, takes and takes. And he is not grateful and Allah says, the proof of him not being grateful is the fact that he himself and his life and his actions professed this. The fact that he is not turning to Allah (SWT), the fact that he is not being grateful and thanking Allah (SWT), the fact that he is not employing all of these things within the worship of Allah. But he is not grateful yet he continues to ask more and more and want more and more, collect and hoard and exhaust. wa innahu lihubbil khairi la shadeedh And this man, for the love of good, the scholars explain the word ‘Good’ over here to mean money. For the love of money, this man is willing to do anything. And then Allah (SWT) diagnoses the problem, then he gives you the solution as well he says afala ya’lamu idha bu’shira ma fil kuboor. If you think and ponder about your death, and you think and ponder about the fact, that you will be resurrected, raised out of the earth, Allah (SWT) will send rain that will go and impregnate the earth. Every single one of us will come out just as the trees come out of the earth. You will be buried six feet under but Allah (SWT) will have rain impregnate this earth and then all of us will stand up and we will come out of the earth just as trees come out of the earth. And then we will all be walking, talking but there will be one thing that we’ll have the concern of and that is what we have done, that is what we have done for the hereafter. Was it that dollar bill, was it that pounds that we are chasing all our lives or was it the Hasanat. Take advantage of this life of yours. I ask Allah (SWT) to grant us the tawfeeq to prepare for this day and I ask Allah (SWT) to take the love of the dunya from our hearts and I ask Allah (SWT) to fill our hearts up with the love of the hereafter, the love of Allah (SWT), the love of his messenger.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:31:51 +0000

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