The Ungrateful Lion. Once upon a time, there was an election in - TopicsExpress


The Ungrateful Lion. Once upon a time, there was an election in the jungle. The elephant had finished his 10 year term and had achieved many great things for all the animals. The Lion was desperate to be King because he was facing another elephant. He went to great lengths to win the hearts of the animals. Eventually he won the election by using all tricks in the jungle book. There was one problem though, the elephant had given the animals too much freedom that they didnt recognize and worship him as the new King. So he went to see his friend the hare for advise. Come up with new laws my friend! The hare advised. Laws that no animal can dare break without dire consequences he continued. Use your friends the hyenas, they are the majority in the jungle Parliament the hare paused. There you go my friend, that is a lawyer worth his salt talking. The lion smiled, sharpening his long claws on a nearby tree. But what excuse will I use to convince the animals to accept the new laws, they love their freedom too much! The lion groaned in frustration. Easy boss! Squeaked the hare wagging his short tail. Just promise the hyenas good tidings, and they pass any law you want. Give them any bones you have leftover from your yesterday meal. Promise them that the carcass of any animal you will kill for breaking the new laws will be their meat. The hare added. Soon, loud cries were heard in the jungle. Cries of disbelief and bewilderment. The hyenas had made terrible laws! The lion king soon signed the new laws amid the uproar as the conspiring hare and the drooling hyenas looked on. An uneasy silence descended on the jungle. How could the lion we voted for turn against us? The animals whispered in hushed tones. They wanted to meet to discuss the calamity but the laws prohibited any meeting not licensed by the hyenas. There was no otherwise but to wait for another five years to elect another King. No animal could dare tell the Lion King the truth any more, who wanted to be hyenas next meal? ........ by Raphael Kimosop
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:28:31 +0000

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