The United Kingdom Britain is a unitary state, which means - TopicsExpress


The United Kingdom Britain is a unitary state, which means there is no intermediate level of government comparable to Canadas provinces. Britain has a bicameral Parliament with the majority of power residing in the House of Commons. Like the Canadian Senate, the importance of the upper chamber (House of Lords) has receded in the twentieth century. The House of Lords main features are as follows: Representation based primarily on a combination of hereditary and appointment. Hereditary Peers inherited their seat while Life Peers are appointed by the government of the day. In addition, Senior Bishops (Spiritual Lords) and Senior Judges (Law Lords) also sit in the House of Lords.; Hereditary and Life Peers serve for life. Spiritual Lords resign their seat upon retirement. No regional representation Main role is considering House of Commons legislation. Lords can amend all legislation except for taxation bills. In addition, Law Lords serve as a court of final appeal for certain civil and criminal cases.; Powers limited to a twelve-month suspensive veto (originally Lords were able to veto House of Commons legislation). After this time the House of Commons can resubmit the bill for Royal Assent. The suspensive veto does not include money bills. Other roles include making inquiries into public issues In 1999, Parliament passed an act removing more than six hundred Hereditary Peers from the House of Lords, leaving only ninety-two. Today, Parliament is considering sweeping changes to the method of selecting Lords, including a combination of election and appointment (the ninety-two hereditary peers would be removed), with a commitment to regional and minority representation. Instead of sitting for life, peers would sit for fixed terms.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:24:32 +0000

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