The United States, a private for profit Federal Corporation, is - TopicsExpress


The United States, a private for profit Federal Corporation, is bankrupt and has to pay our bills The united states “ a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War.” Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43. United States Code Title 28, Part VI, Chapter 176, Subchapter A, § 3002; (15) “United States” means, (A) a Federal corporation 1933 March 9, a bank emergency was declared by President Roosevelt because of the insolvency [bankruptcy] of the United States. Executive Order 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260; Senate Report 93-549, pgs. 187 & 594, 1973. 1933 March 9,“The new money (paper promissory notes) is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and banker’s acceptances. The new money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congressional Record, 1st Session. 1933 May 1, gold was transferred [stolen] from U. S. Citizens to the United States by Executive Order 6102. 1933 May 23, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges (Congressional Record May 23, 1933 page 4055-4058) against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, conspiracy, fraud, unlawful conversion and treason. The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has yet to be acted on. 1933 June 5, to mitigate McFaddens charges (and prevent being hung for treason), Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 to provide U. S. Citizens the right to set off all debt obligations as the consideration (something bargained for i.e., an exchange) for the transfer of all the gold and property. It is against Public Policy [applies only to Congress] to pay a debt. Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112 in the United States Statutes at Large is Public Law [applies to everyone else]. 1950 Congress declared bankruptcy and reorganization. Secretary of Treasury appointed receiver in the bankruptcy. Reorganization Plan, No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903; Public Law 94-564; Legislative History, Pg. 5967. 1973 Since March 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency (bankruptcy)... Senate Resolution 9, 93d. Congress, 1st. Session, Foreward. The president signs [renews] this every year. 1977 Oct. 28th, the United States as a Corporator and State declared insolvency. State banks and most other banks were put under control of the Governor (Secretary of the U. S. Treasury) of the Fund (I.M.F.). 26 IRC 165 (g)(1); U.C.C. 1-201(23), C.R.S. 39-22-103.5, Westfall vs. Braley, 10 Ohio 188, 75 Am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 S.W. 2d. 911; Ward vs. Smith, 7 Wall 447. 1993 March 17th, United States Congressional Record, Vol. 33, page H-1303. Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U. S. Government.” It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The SUBSTANCE of the American citizenry, their real property, wealth, assets and productivity that belongs to them, was pledged by the government and placed at risk as the collateral for US debt, credit, and currency for commerce to function. Under the 14th amendment and numerous Supreme Court precedents, as well as in equity, private property cannot be taken or pledged for public use without just compensation or due process of law. The United States cannot pledge or risk the property and wealth of its PRIVATE CITIZENS for any government purpose without legally providing them remedy to recover what is due them on their risk. Courts have long ruled that to have one’s property legally held as collateral or surety for a debt, even when one still owns it and still has it, is to DEPRIVE him of it since it is at risk and could be lost for the debt at any time. The United States Supreme Court said that, the Constitution provides that “private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.” United States v. Russell, 13 Wall, 623, 627. “Sureties compelled to pay debts for their Principal have been deemed entitled to reimbursement, even without a contractual promise… And probably there are few doctrines better established…” Pearlman v. Reliance Ins. Co., 371 U.S. 132, 1962 United States Code Title 31 section 3123 states that the US Government has an obligation to pay dollar for dollar principal and interest in legal tender ALL debts accrued by the American people. Those backing the nation’s credit and currency cannot recover what is due them by anything drawn on Federal Reserve notes without expanding their risk and obligation to their own selves. Any recovery payments backed by this currency (FRNs or Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Devices; FRAUDs) would only increase the public debt its citizens are collateral for, which an equitable REMEDY was intended to reduce, and in equity would not satisfy anything, for there was no longer actual money of substance to pay anybody. In other words, there is no actual money in circulation by which debt owed from one party to another can actually be repaid. Since 1933 no one has ever really been “paid” because theres been no money of substance. Every time we spend a Federal Reserve note (dollar) we increase the national debt by that same amount. Every time we send our bills to Treasury for the set off we reduce the national debt by that same amount. Federal Reserve Publication “Public Debt, Private Asset” says the national debt is owed to its creditors which is you and me. We are operating under official Public Policy and Public Law set forth by the UNITED STATES when they confiscated all the lawful money in circulation in 1933 and it became impossible to pay any debts with publicly sanctioned money under the provision of the United States Constitution, Article One, Section ten, Clause one. In return for the confiscation of the lawful money, the UNITED STATES became liable to pay the debts of the people as fiduciary creditors [Trustees] of the people. Since all commercial energy in existence comes from the mental and physical powers of the living people, and not from corporations or government, it is these living people who are the lenders or creditors to all of society. The government needed to account for how much commercial energy it owed each and every one of us, the ultimate creditors, for our contribution. The creation of the SSN accounts allowed the government to take our commercial energy and use it to keep the nations economy moving forward in the bankruptcy, while at the same time not being guilty of fraud or theft. They borrowed against [mortgaged] our future energy thereby putting us at risk and they have to reimburse us. They owe us, and therefore, we have a pre-paid account with the UNITED STATES FEDERAL CORPORATION since we are the creditors and it is the debtor. The SSN is to track our claims against the UNITED STATES and is the record of an invisible ‘trust account’ on the private side which they will never admit to publicly. The CAFR [Comprehensive Annual Financial Report] is the accounting that keeps track of the peoples contributions and the earnings on those contributions and is currently estimated at 60 to 100 trillion dollars. A4V (Accepted for Value) applies when a demand is made for payment with implied consideration. If there is no original wet-inked signed contract where both parties offer consideration, then there is no demand possible, only demand w/ implied consideration which, according to the UCC [Uniform Commercial Code], holds inherent risk to the issuer; if the instrument is accepted as consideration AND returned for value THE ISSUER IS LIABLE FOR THE BILL. That is where the “payment” comes from. In the bankrupt economy whoever brings a liability has to bring the remedy. Whoever hands you a bill has to hand you the check to payfor it. Write the Accepted for Value verbiage on the statement and/or write a private issue Money Order on the coupon part of the bill and send it to Treasury to have it set off. The only way that utility company got built is that they mortgaged (borrowed against) our property and future labor compensation [only corporations have “income” so they can be taxed], so, everything since 1933 is Pre-Paid. There is no need for us to pay twice! All the property of this country now belongs to the state and will be used for the good of the state. FDR, 1933 The gov claims ownership of everything. They hold title to all property (land, homes, cars, etc.). They have mortgaged against our property and against our future labor, but where is the consideration? The only thing left to give back to us is the discharge of all so-called debts. A true contract has “consideration” from both parties. Consideration occurs when the bank, credit card company, whoever, has actually offered you something and you offered to pay them back. Of course we know the banks, credit card companies, whoever, do NOT actually loan us anything! They use our signature to get funds (our own credit!) from Treasury. Government cannot have a binding contract on you based on the rule of valuable consideration because everything government has came from you to begin with. Therefore, no adhesion contract that identifies you as a public employee could be binding upon you. All licenses are adhesion contracts. They assume and presume we volunteer to be a government employee/Trustee and volunteer to be under their jurisdiction. If we take “advantage” of their benefits then they presume correctly, unless we establish our status through public declaration and get them to recognize and acknowledge our status. [see Dennis Craig’s docs] The fact that they did not loan us anything can be proven with a VOD (Validation of Debt) which they never will, or can, answer to our satisfaction because they cannot show they actually loaned us anything. A copy of the payments you made is NOT validation of a debt “owed”. It does tell you how much to sue them for to get your payments back and add that to the original amount of your credit they borrowed when you took out a car or house “loan.” When they do not answer you by your deadline you default them and present copies of those letters to the court, and collect double or triple damages. Publicly judges and politicians will not admit to all this because of the chaos they believe will occur, and that we would probably hang them for wasting our lives in meaningless jobs, when they were supposed to be setting off our bills! When you receive a presentment [a so-called “bill”] in the mail there is a statement part where you can write the A4V verbiage, and a coupon part where you write the money order. There is no set wording, but see my examples below and if you want, change it, adjust it, but make it your own. I no longer think the A4V verbiage is necessary. All they want is the “money.” Know what you are doing! Do NOT stop making the minimum payment until you get a presentment that has credit on it. The birth certificate is your receipt for the contract or trust established with the government by your parents and which you take over when you come of age. You are always the Beneficiary but you also wear the hat of the Trustee when you discharge a debt (just don’t tell the judge that). I have recently learned that the Trustee has “all the power” but I have not confirmed that. So, in open court (public side) you are Beneficiary, but in judge’s chambers (private side) you are Trustee when you A4V. Or you may simply write a money order on their charging instruments. Unfortunately for them they will not take in as much “money” if they were to warehouse you as freight in their prison. [Jean Keating says he wrote an International Bill of Exchange on a napkin to get out of jail and they gave him a receipt and thanked him] When they drag you to their private-for-profit court which is just another corporation and where living men and women have NO business being, they assume and presume you are the Trustee whos job it is to shut up and pay the bills with your sweat equity. Establish your position BEFORE going to court by certified mail and when they dont rebut your position [they wont!] send them a default letter thanking them for agreeing with you and send them your fee schedule for being kidnapped (arrested), confined (jail, hand cuffs) drug into court, etc. If they want to fine you, order them to take care of it as your Trustee or you can just A4V and/or money order it. I do the A4V and money order all in red ink. Most folks do but sign and date in blue ink. Its okay to get a stamp made but you may want to leave room for signature and date. Instead of a signature I just put By: in front of my printed name on the last VA medicine coupon I received and they credited the account. Some say the printed name IS a signature. Accepted for Value Exempt from levy By: sign your name here Authorized Representative, without prejudice [or without recourse] October 20, 2011 Exemption ID # 123456789 [SS# without dashes] Deposit to U. S. Treasury and charge the same to whoever sent you the bill Money Order October 20, 2011 Pay to the order of: U. S. Treasury Pay: Sixty three thousand eight hundred forty nine dollars and twenty one cents, $63,849.21 Charge the sum to Vendor Credit the memory of my account 123456789 [SS# without dashes] By: First Middle Last Authorized Signature without prejudice [or without recourse] Donor, Beneficiary, and Occupant of the Office of Executor/Administrator on behalf of FIRST MIDDLE LAST 123-45-6789 Void where prohibited by law Indorse the back; Special deposit Redeem in lawful money By: sign your name here Authorized Signature without prejudice [or without recourse] Send to: 1.ALL DEBTS NOT IN 2 OR 3 IRS Technical Support Division C/o Treasury UCC Contract Trust Internal Revenue Service 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220 2.IRS DEBTS IRS Technical Support Division Internal Revenue Service Stop 4440 P.O. Box 9036 Ogden, Utah 84201 3.DEBTS WITH LIEN(S) IRS Technical Support Division Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Box 192 Covington, Kentucky 41012 You can also send to; Department of the Treasury, IRS, Fresno, CA 93888-0102 [where one man has been getting discharge for 6 years. See file] or Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Division, P.O. Box 510000, San Francisco, CA 94151 or Anna Medlock, DBA Operations Manager, successors or assigns, IRS, Accounts Management, PO Box 149338, Austin, TX 78714 Jack Smith says send it to the CID cause its their job to do the off set. For years we heard that people had success sending to Anna Medlock (who may be retired) who was head of the set off “division” if there is such a thing. Make 2 copies of the A4Vd “bill” one to send to the Vendor as a courtesy (maybe theyll do the right thing and do the set off) and one for you to keep. I send the original to Treasury. You may also send a cover letter telling your “employees” what to do, but shouldnt be necessary. Have a notary send and receive for you as proof of service or you may send it certified or just throw it in the mail. I plan to mail to all of the first three listed above but Ive also sent my VA medicine bills only to Fresno and every bill Ive received since has a credit on it so I may just send to only one address. My friend Mike had a delinquent $800 AT&T bill he did the A4V and MO on and sent to San Francisco and it does not show up on his credit report. M. Rasheed had the Treasury discharge a $63K student loan. See myprivateaudio Dougs A4V password is methis for other successful examples and see his files section at yahoo group a4v. Ive included an example letter of instructions just to show you it aint that hard to do. Use your brain! Think! Know what you are doing. It aint rocket surgery or brain science. The cover letter is not required. They may test you to see if they can get you back into debtor thinking; Oh gee they sent me a frivolous filing for $5,000.00 I better pay my bills with my sweat equity money and forget the whole thing. Dont! Be the creditor that you already are. Search the net for A4V, HJR-192, 31 USC 5118, Guaranty vs Henwood. Read everything you can till you get comfortable with the process. Make them pay/discharge our so-called debts like they promised. They did it for me. Now prove it to yourself. :first-middle: c/o Notary Public PO Box 123 City, State August 18, 2011 Department of the Treasury IRS Technical Support Division C/o Treasury UCC Contract Trust Internal Revenue Service 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC Attention Public Servants, Use this money order for three thousand twelve dollars and thirteen cents to set off the enclosed presentment. Regards, By :first-middle: on behalf of FIRST MIDDLE LAST [If they dont do the discharge like theyre supposed to try another address and mark it second payment, third payment, however many it takes. Or after 1 or 2 attempts fill out an 843 form for a refund of the over payments and send it to the CID and say; why arent they doing their job?]
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:35:56 +0000

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