The United States and its Pentagon goons christened as NATO,will - TopicsExpress


The United States and its Pentagon goons christened as NATO,will never leave its military objectives in a lurch and will never surrender its bellicose strategy of the encirclement of Peoples China , Russia,and the Central Asia.In all this,the Anti-Indian Pakistan armies,have pivotol role and the centre of gravity in tne region.USA though resembling a kind of Vietnamese quagmire and political Waterloo,in Afghanistan,will not allow this country become an island of peace and will use the services of Indian army and diplom acy to play the proxy role.India -Pakistan peace and the resolution of the outstanding disputes,between these two powerful nuclear states,afflicted with massive poverty and US interference,and the imbroglio of ceaseless terroristic carnage,and both Pakistan and India must resolve their disputes without capitulation to US global agenda of gunboat diplomacy.The macabre shadows of bloodshed under the brolly of wildest extremist sectarianism,are also want to impose the death dance of sectarian warlordism and its plague lime pestilance in Pakistan,too.Pakistan and India must defeat all such imperialistic macabre divisive deathblows to peace in the region.The enslaved people of Kasmir must get freedom from the genocidal suffocation and suppression and repression of the Aggressive Indian army as the violation of human rights and carnage by the Indian armies is as intolerable and deathly and despicable as ebola outbreak anywhere.All researchers must must find and ways as how to promote peace,human rights and economic egalitarianism and social justice in the entire region without US bayonets and economic shackles and espionage and its highly paid human and electronic espionage robots and outlaws.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 02:03:11 +0000

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