The United States first responsibility is to her citizens then - TopicsExpress


The United States first responsibility is to her citizens then others become second. From the CA: Not too long ago our country allowed around 250,000 immigrants a year to enter and apply for citizenship. Today that number is over 1 million a year and growing and that doesn’t count the 13 million who have entered this country illegally. In our misplaced compassion, we give these illegals medical care, driver’s licenses, free schooling in some states and a lot of other privileges that hardworking Americans don’t get. And now we have tens of thousands of children coming across our borders daily because of living conditions and atrocities in their countries. The people who should be watching our borders and trying to stop the flow of illegals into this country are now relegated to babysitting these children, because it would be inhumane to send them back to their country of origin. We in the United States are drowning from compassion. I really can’t blame all these people for wanting to come to America, because America is the most free and generous country on Earth. However, in our compassion we are failing to see what is happening to our country. I suggest you Google “immigration explained with marbles.” You will find several short videos that shockingly explain why we should close our borders to illegal immigrants and decrease the number of legal immigrants into this country. Our responsibility is to this country first and then others.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:58:03 +0000

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