The United States of America.. September 1, 2014.. Labor Day !! - TopicsExpress


The United States of America.. September 1, 2014.. Labor Day !! Doing a little reflecting, reading, pondering.. In doing so, all I can think about, the questions I want answered, I dont know why, I already know the answers, at least the vast majority of them.. But I still/just wanna scream, WTF ?? WTF happened to OUR country ?? How/why did WE all just sit by and watch OUR country, OUR way of life be destroyed ?? WHY/HOW ?? Let me take a quick second, reality check if you will ?? Just in case youve been tied up in a cave for the past decade, or maybe in a coma, and lets not leave out those of you that just dont give a shit, which seems to be 50% of the American populous.. Oh !! My bad !! I left out the other half of the American pie, that being the in denial, Muslims kill America, Barry Soetoro for King/globalists/agenda 21 fan club.. You get the picture !! The cats outta the bag, writings on the wall, conspiracy.. Yep !! We all owe the tinfoil hat lodge an apology, they were right, conspiracy to destroy OUR country is getting REAL close to being complete.. OK !! Enough of the rhetoric !! THE TRUTH !! The United States of America is hanging by a thread, our economy is going to collapse, FACT !! There is absolutely no way to save it now, NONE !! CONSPIRACY !! Obama lied, most transparent admins in history, cut taxes, create jobs, strengthen our military, blah, blah, blah .. LMFAO !! LIES, LIES, LIES !! REALITY !! 6 years, (2 years 3 months remain ) of Obama... Our national debt has almost double, 8 trillion dollars added, 17 trillion is where we stand today.. Obama has spent more money in 6 years than all of our presidents/admins combined, ALL OF THEM !! 42 presidents/administrations, 232 years, 69 wars/conflicts, 2 of those being world wars, which America financed/supplied most of both wars.. CONSPIRACY !! In the past 2 years Obama has fired all of our top military brass, 147 I believe.. CONSPIRACY !! Im not even scratching the surface.. 46 million for his vacations, keep in mind, that doesnt include Air Force 1 flights, or the entourage of SS agents.. IRS, Bengazi, fast and furious, Bergdahl swap, NOT SCANDALS, THESE ARE FELONIES/TREASON.. The US/Mexico border, HUH !! CONSPIRACY !! Believe yet ?? No bible in public schools, no pledge, cant fly the US flag, IN THE UNITED STATES !! WTF ?? CONSPIRACY !! Known Muslim terrorists in OUR government !! CONSPIRACY !! Police armed like the military.. CONSPIRACY !! OUR Vets cant see the doctor, our active military only get 2. meals a day.. CONSPIRACY !! Illegal aliens get a plane/bus ticket anywhere they wanna go/cell phone/medical care, and a monthly welfare check FOR LIFE !! CONSPIRACY !! GOOD GOD, WHAT IS WRONG WITH US ?? Again Im not scratching the surface, hell I havent even mentioned across the pond/world affairs.. Dont dare, America is in worse peril on the world stage !! CONSPIRACY !! Let me ask this final question.. How does community organizer, born in Africa to communist parents become the worlds most powerful man ?? Everyone knows he isnt even eligible to be president, theyve known all along .. WHY ?? There is no doubt he was born in Kenya, fake papers, records sealed.. CONSPIRACY.. And our gun rights !! So what are we gonna do about it ?? Fact/truth/reality, WE THE PEOPLE is all thats left.. Washington is the mafia, theyre all in on it. To be continued !!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:18:54 +0000

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