The United States of Palestine lets look at these facts on the - TopicsExpress


The United States of Palestine lets look at these facts on the ground, shall we? we have the region that has been known as palestine for at least 2000 years that has been the crossroads of empire forever as the land bridge between africa, asia and europe now being called israel by a group of european national socialist industrialist bankers calling themselves zionists and claiming to speak for the entire nation of israel and practitioners of the hebrew faith. this is the first falsehood. i am a kohan and was educated by louis binstock, a prominent reform rabbi who was opposed to the way israel was created and is operated. they do not speak for me. that little patch of ground has never been held by any one people for more than a few hundred years and numerous peoples originate there, so any exclusive claims on the land by european jews asserting a right to return, displacing people already there are patently absurd. this is especially true when you consider that the claim is based on an unverifiable ancient manuscript and an act of a diety who hasnt been seen since it was written. while it is true that the gentiles native to palestine have never had autonomy as palestine and that the jews have twice established and lost kingdoms there, there are still gentile families who can trace the presence of their people in that vicinity back into antiquity or at least to before the time the jews decided to come in and claim it for themselves. this is all i want to write about the history for now and shift to my proposed four states in one solution. reunify palestine under the 1947 borders. israel retreats to the 1948 borders leaving behind judea, samaria and gaza as the other three states. draft a real constitution guaranteeing equal rights and religious freedom along the lines of the american model and live happily ever after with jerusalem as the capitol of the whole thing and tel aviv the capitol of israel. dismantle that hideous wall and turn it into cosmopolitan infrastructure enjoyed by a free and equal people.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:32:03 +0000

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