The United States spends “inordinate amounts of money” to - TopicsExpress


The United States spends “inordinate amounts of money” to support Israel’s war and killing machine, causing carnage, destruction and human misery around the world, an American political analyst says. “Whenever Israel asks for more, more money for a specific program, more money in general for its military program, Congress generally goes along, supplies millions, dare I say billions of dollars,” said Stephen Lendman. “This has been going on for decades. Who knows how many billions have been given to Israel, it’s well over a hundred billion dollars, it could be a couple of hundred billion dollars,” Lendman told Press TV on Saturday. The US and the Zionist regime are longtime partners in imperialism, he added. “Expect Israel and Washington to march in lockstep together, committing unconscionable carnage, destruction and human misery.” Reports show Israel is pressing the United States for an increase in Washington’s military aid after 2017 when a 10-year deal between the two allies will expire. The Bush administration signed a 10-year deal with Israel in 2007, granting it $30 billion of American taxpayers’ money, most of it going on US military products. A US official, who spoke with Reuters on condition of anonymity, said Israel was seeking an overall increase to between $3.2 billion and $3.5 billion a year, while the Obama administration had spoken of $2.8 billion. Despite the massive US aid, there are deep tensions between Tel Aviv and Washington over the US-brokered talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which collapsed last month. On Friday, an unnamed Israeli official expressed anger over remarks by US Middle East envoy Martin Indyk, who blamed Israeli settlement expansion for failure of the talks. Last month, US Secretary of State John Kerry also warned that Israel could become “an apartheid state” if the so-called peace talks with the Palestinians would fail. See more at source - smoloko/?p=3235
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:44:08 +0000

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