The Universal Law Universal Law is the synthesis of all natural - TopicsExpress


The Universal Law Universal Law is the synthesis of all natural laws. It is the total of all processes in Cosmos. It is exemplified in the great rhythms of Nature. All things, from the greatest to the smallest, have a beginning, continue to be fora time, and then drop out of existence. There are cycles ofbeing and non-being; of alternation; of ebb and flow; of in breathing and out breathing; of activity and rest; of life and death. But things are given time to fulfill their function in the scheme of things. The Law ensures that the Universe is self-preserving. The maintenance of harmonious equilibrium in all its parts means that there is a direct relation between cause and effect, whereby all action is balanced by reaction. This Law must never be regarded too mechanistically. As a living process it applies in the nonphysical realms of being as well as the physical. It has moral aspects and repercussions when it is often called the law of Karma, by which in the long-run man gets his just desserts. As we shall see, however, the balancing process is continuous and, as far as anyone man is concerned, it extends to the periods before and after an earth life. In simple terms the law means that everything is, and is as it is, as the result of what went before. The process is infinitely complex; no cause can be wholly isolated from other causes and therefore no effect is a simple issue. In the case of human activity a further complication is the effect of motive. Similar actions will have different consequences according to the intentions behind them. An action with a kind motive will have an effect very different from one done out of hate. Another aspect of Law is progression or evolution, the bringing into activity of faculties inherent but latent. This unfolding of the potentialities of the inner Life in everything proceeds continuously by ever-ascending cycles, in all the kingdoms of Nature......
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 17:08:14 +0000

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