The Unknown Faithful Published August 8, 2013 | By jimbailey | - TopicsExpress


The Unknown Faithful Published August 8, 2013 | By jimbailey | Edit 1 Kings 18: 3-4 And Ahab called Obadiah, who was over the household. (Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly) v:4 for it was so that when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them in a cave by fifty and he fed them bread and water. John 1:41 He (Andrew) found first his own brother Simon, and said unto him, we have found the Messiah (which is being interpreted Christ) Colossians 4:9 together with Onesimus, the faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They shall make known to you all things that are done here! Last night as I sat meditating on this devotional, I wanted to stretch my legs for a few so I went to see what my wife was doing. She had settled into one of the living room recliners where she was watching ‘Home Makeover’. The program caught my attention because the woman they selected to surprise with this miracle makeover was a single mom with two kids and she ran a daycare out of her home. I have a good friend who does daycare and my mom ran a daycare out of our home for years so I know the sacrifice and work involved in daycare! This woman had an amazing love for her kids and those she served and because she did she was being rewarded with an amazing gift from God and her community. The thing that stood out to me most was that if not for the program we were watching no one ever would had known of her or her contribution to her family and her community. Obadiah was just such a person, as was Andrew the Apostle, and a brother in Christ names Onesimus who was an ex-felon, if you can imagine that? All three of these men are what I call “the supporting cast” of other more well known Bible characters. Like the daycare sitter, if it were not for the unique story that their lives were a part of, it is likely that we would have never known of them. They each served with humility and a genuine gratitude for God that is noteworthy. Obadiah was the overseer of Ahab’s home. He so feared God that living right under the kings nose he stashed 100 prophets of God away in two separate caves and mustered rations out each day in the face of being caught. What we commonly hear of when we read this story is how the great prophet Elijah took on the evil Jezebel and caused the greatest scene of repentance recorded in the Bible as the whole nation of Israel returned to God, turning from Baal worship. What we never hear of is how this mighty man of God (Obadiah) and those 100 prophets prayed a revival into history that forever changed the world, allowing God to work through Elijah the way He did. Then there is the quiet Andrew who has but a couple of modest mentions in the New Testament. Brother of Peter he first introduces his brother to Christ, yet the attention is usually cast on Peter as the narratives of the gospel unfold. Yet if not for this humble Apostle who was content to live in the background, where would the kingdom of God be? Lastly, Onesimus was an ex- prisoner who truly repented of his sins. So much so that the Apostle mentions him at the end of the book of Colossians as a reliable member of the Christian community and writes a special letter to Philemon asking that Onesimus be pardoned for his transgressions, if for no other reason then for the Apostle’s sake alone. Onesimus was a convert of Paul’s and was truly transformed by grace becoming a key encourager and servant to Paul as he lived his life in quiet gratitude for the Savior who redeemed him from a prison cell and the man of God used to introduce him to the Savior. These and countless others served the kingdom with courage and faith, distinguishing themselves as true messengers of the gospel and we have little to no knowledge of them, but God does. Many serve now and content they live their lives for the audience of One, touching one heart and one life at a time. Some reaching the poor and imprisoned thus fulfilling the great commission. Many of God’s saints have a ‘home makeover’ coming in the resurrection when their bodies shall be raised and all the years of service, prayer, and giving shall be made known as Christ rewards us each for what we have done in the body, good or bad. May your joy be complete today as you serve God knowing that in the overall plan of God, we are all called to be supporting cast because the focus should ever be on Jesus and Him alone! In quietness we should take our daily bread and with our every breath utter, “it is enough Lord!”
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:29:32 +0000

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