The Unlucky Man Once there was a man who lived in a beautiful log - TopicsExpress


The Unlucky Man Once there was a man who lived in a beautiful log cabin. He seemed to have everything but was never happy. The man believed it was because he was unlucky (but in fact it was because he was bored.) One day he had enough and he went to a very old and wise woman to find out why he was not lucky. The old and wise woman thought about it and told him he must visit God and ask him that question. Where do I find God? The man asked. Travel to the West until you reach the end of the world and there you will find God, said the Old woman. So the man set off to find God and ask why he was not lucky. He walked for a day, he walked for a week, he walked for a month and he even walked for a year until he came to a clearing which was surrounded by wolves. One one side were these strong and vicious looking wolves. On the other was a small scrawny wolf. The man decided to walk towards the scrawny wolf. As he passed the wolf asked. Where are you going? I am going to visit God and ask him why I have no luck, answered the Man. Interesting. If you find him can you please ask why I am not as strong and as vicious as my brothers, asked the Wolf. Of course. The man answered and he walked off. He walked for a day, he walked for a week, he walked for a month, he walked for a year until he got to a beautiful forest. The trees were vast and stretched far up into the sky but in a small clearing was a short leafless tree with wimpy branches. As the man walked by the tree called out, Excuse me where are you going? I am going to visit God and ask him why I have no luck. Fascinating. If you find God can you ask him why I am not as tall and strong as my brothers, the tree asked. Of course, answered the man and he walked off. He walked for a day, he walked for a week, he walked for a month, and he walked for a year until he came to a small blue house. Surrounding this house was a beautiful garden filled with vibrant colors and bright flowers. From inside the house came the most beautiful woman the man had ever seen. On seeing the man, the woman invited him in for dinner and to spend the night. The man agreed and enjoyed a wonderful feast cooked to perfection by the woman. As they ate, the man told his story and at the end the woman asked, That is a lovely story. If you find God can you ask him why I am so lonley? Of course I can, answered the man. Then he went to bed. The next day he set off and walked to the West. He walked for a day, he walked for a week, he walked for a month, he walked for a year until finally he reached the end of the world. There sitting on cloud, fishing, was God. The man called out, Excuse me. But God can you tell me why I have no luck. God looked up and said, You have all the luck you need. It is all around you, you just dont notice it. Be more observant and you will find your luck. This made sense to the man and he began to ask the other questions he had promised but God just raised his hand, There is no need to ask the questions. I already know what they are for I know everything. God whispered the answers into the mans ear. The man thanked God and began to walk home. He arrived first at the beautiful womans house and knocked on the door. The woman was overjoyed to see him and asked him for her answer. God told me why you are so lonely. You must get married. Of course. It makes sense. Will you marry me? The woman asked the man. I am sorry I can not for I must find my luck. But the first nice man I see, I will send back to you, answered the man. With that he continued home until he reached the beautiful forest. The small tree saw him and asked for his answer. The reason you are small and have no leaves is because buried beneath your roots is a chest full of gold. It is blocking you from recieving nutrients. Of course, that makes sense. Please, some workmen left shovels over there. If you dig up the chest, you can keep the gold inside, said the tree. I am sorry, I can not. For I must find my luck. But the first strong man I see, I shall send back, replied the man and with that he continued on his way home. He reached the clearing of the wolves and the small scrawny wolf asked him for his answer. The reason you are small and scrawny is because you do not eat enough. You must eat the first big stupid animal you see. And the wolf did.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 13:37:41 +0000

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