“The Unquiet Mind (Vincent No. 1)” I paint the canvas of - TopicsExpress


“The Unquiet Mind (Vincent No. 1)” I paint the canvas of the unquiet mind. I paint the un-still life. I paint peasants wedded to the earth with brown, knotted roots; carving colors with deep turns of the brush. Carving colors into Swirling, piercing! stars. Powerful, twisting! winds. Trees that struggle to break loose! from the earth. Crows in flight. I see the un-still life. I see people drinking-in the colors!; guzzling life from shining stars in a (deep, deep blue) Rhone-night sky. I see the un-still life. In its thundering, brilliance! reds! greens! indigoes! midnight blues! and always the yellow! always the chrome yellow. Life bleeds! Life explodes! Life creates! or life is nothing. nothing... I would rather writhe with riotous whores than tiptoe in the timid chastity of the fearfully correct. For one rips! away the covers of life, and the other hides... fearfully, in hopes of its avoidance. *sigh* What is seen as madness, is sometimes not mad, but simply life, spoken in a different dialect. Life which, in the look back, takes shape, like the brick-red end of a caboose, receding in the distance. Paris - City of Light - too dazzled by its own narcissistic glitter for too long, to see the un-still life. And nothing sold. To see... *sigh* And now I sit carving colors out of words, waiting for the crows once more to take flight. With a handshake, Ever yours, Vincent --Graves 2/4/11 If you see this piece on Facebook, and if you like it, please do me the favor of hitting the “share” button so that others may enjoy it, too. Thanks! More of Michael Graves’ poetry is at the following link: https://facebook/home.php#!/pages/Michael-Graves-Poet/59117439868 Copyright (c) 2011 by Michael Graves, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit -- which is held to be a good idea and thus encouraged. The photo is “Starry Night Over The Rhone,” painted in September 1888 by Vincent Van Gogh.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:13:43 +0000

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