The Unseen In this same chapter named “The Pen,” we read in - TopicsExpress


The Unseen In this same chapter named “The Pen,” we read in verse 47: Or is the unseen with them so that they write (it) down? This refers to those who oppose Messenger Muhammad, his God and followers. Yusuf Ali wrote in footnote 5075 of his translation of the Holy Qur’an that: The Unseen in the spiritual world is a subject of Revelation, though it works through the common everyday life of man. The men who reject Revelation simply because it is outside their own experience ought on the contrary to try to learn about it and seek to understand it. In his translation, Abdul Majied comments on this verse that the deniers talk, act and write as though they: …have the knowledge of the Unseen and of God’s ordinances, independent of thee (the Messenger) …and that, they transcribe the same from the table of God’s decrees and feel no need of Revelation which was granted to the Messenger. An exegesis on the “Unseen” Let us first get a better idea of what is meant by the “Unseen,” and then let us look at a sampling of what has been written concerning the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, which representative of the thinking of many of the people who reject the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in the U.S.A. There are people who tell you they are realist, who say “I don’t believe in anything I can’t see.” Who can see sound? Who can see what the nose smells? Who denies that people become aware of different things through different senses. For instance, electricity cannot be seen. But we use it every time we turn on the radio; the television; use the phone, or turn on a light bulb. Furthermore, who has ever put his physical hand on a law of nature, such as the law of gravity? But if you deny its existence and step out of the window on the 10th floor of some building, you will be in big trouble. There are Black people who claim to be realist, who will admit the above, yet deny the existence of any wisdom higher than what can be learned in the white man colleges and universities. They confess that they do not know everything and that white people do not have a monopoly on wisdom today. Still, they speak and write as though there is no greater knowledge beyond what they have gained, or are studying, that come from white people. They are like those whom the Holy Qur’an condemns when they say: Our hearts are repositories. (2:88) They feel that their knowledge is sufficient. They are puffed up over what they have learned, and they do not see or feel the need for information from any source they think is “beneath” them. Such proud people regard the truth of Allah as “beneath” them, or at least, irrelevant to the real problems of today. Such people will usually tell you that “science” deals only with perceptible and verifiable realities. Therefore, the findings of “science” are superior to the results of “religion,” which they say concerns that which cannot be demonstrated. Is this so? Is it not true that the scientist of this world depend on the unseen universal reign of law that is inherent in everything everywhere? Is not their ability to reason rooted in the belief, if not the conviction, of the rationality of existence, which is grounded in that which they cannot see with the physical eye? What prevents us from believing that there may be dimensions of existence transcending the level we are now aware of? Nevertheless, many Black people deny that there is a higher perception than what they are on. This is pathetic! This is a shame!
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 23:49:54 +0000

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