The Urantia Book Paper 57 The Origin of Urantia [HATER EARTH]* - TopicsExpress


The Urantia Book Paper 57 The Origin of Urantia [HATER EARTH]* CLIMATE-CHANGE OR NEED-A-BRAIN-CHANGE? GLOBAL WARMING OR WORLDWIDE LYING? (651.1) 57:0.1 IN PRESENTING excerpts from the archives of Jerusem for the records of Urantia respecting its antecedents and early history, we are directed to reckon time in terms of current usage — the present leap-year calendar of 365¼ days to the year. As a rule, no attempt will be made to give exact years, though they are of record. We will use the nearest whole numbers as the better method of presenting these historic facts. (651.2) 57:0.2 When referring to an event as of one or two millions of years ago, we intend to date such an occurrence back that number of years from the early decades of the twentieth century of the Christian Era [CE]. We will thus depict these far-distant events as occurring in even periods of thousands, millions, and billions of years. (53.3) 3:6.5 It is a great blunder to humanize GOD. WASIWAS meaning in Fil/Tagalog = waving in the air; = brandish [brándish] | [Al-Wāsiʿ: WāsiWās, iWāsiWās meaning in KAWI/Wikang Mardukenyo, ANU ANG WASIWAS? الواسع Al-Wāsiʿ The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Omnipresent, The Boundless ANU ANG MA-TINING, NA-TINING [Matīning, Natīning]? المتين Al-Matīn The Firm, The Steadfast https://youtube/watch?v=uM15A2tg830 Jeremiah 2:13 My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken Me, the Spring of Living Water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water. Judges 10:13 Yet you have forsaken Me and served other gods; therefore I will no longer deliver you. 14 Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your distress [trouble]. gmanetwork/news/story/391079/scitech/science/typhoon-ruby-slows-down-why-that-might-not-be-good-news-for-us Jeremiah 2:27 Who say to a tree, You are my father, And to a stone, You gave me birth. For they have turned their back to Me, And not their face; But in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise and save us. 28 But where are your gods Which you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you In the time of your trouble; For according to the number of your cities Are your gods, O Judah. 29 Why do you contend with Me? You have all transgressed against Me, declares The LORD. Isaiah 31:9 Their stronghold will fall because of terror; at the sight of the battle standard their commanders will panic, declares the LORD, whose fire is in Zion, whose furnace is in Jerusalem. Jeremiah 30:7 How awful that day will be! No other will be like it. Deuteronomy 32:37 And He will say, Where are their gods, The rock in which they sought refuge? 38 Who ate the fat of their sacrifices, And drank the wine of their drink offering? Let them rise up and help you, Let them be your hiding place! Habakkuk 2:18 Of what value is an idol carved by a craftsman? Or an image that teaches lies? For the one who makes it trusts in his own creation; he makes idols that cannot speak. 19 Woe to him who says to wood, Come to life! Or to lifeless stone, Wake up! Can it give guidance? It is covered with gold and silver; there is no breath in it. Jeremiah 1:16 I will pronounce my judgments on my people because of their wickedness in forsaking Me, in burning incense to other gods and in worshiping what their hands have made. Isaiah 65:24 It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. Ezekiel 36:5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: In my Burning Zeal I have spoken against the rest of the nations. Isaiah 42:8 I AM YHWH [The LORD]; that is My Name! I will not yield my Glory to another or my praise to Idols [graven images/human idols]. https://youtube/watch?v=6oqGtAsUiyo
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 09:07:50 +0000

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