The Vedic Scriptures contain an enormous wealth of information, - TopicsExpress


The Vedic Scriptures contain an enormous wealth of information, but like all ancient text, the knowledge was kept secret for ages by those Brahmins with the key (knowledge of Sanskrit). Overcoming ignorance has always been about those who are able to read. Or be forever dependent on a master translation. According to ancient Indian philosophers and scholars, the human society comprises four pillars or classes called varnas or colors. In the ancient Indian texts such as Smritis, vedas, upanishads, puranas, etc., these four varnas or classes or pillars of the society are: the priests / Acharya (Brahmins), the rulers and military (Kshatriyas), the merchants and agriculturists(Vaishyas), and the Assistants (Shudras). Brahmin priests / Acharya were engaged in attaining the highest spiritual knowledge (brahmavidya) of Brahman (God) and adhered to different branches (shakhas) of Vedas. Brahmin priest is responsible for religious rituals in temples and homes of Hindus and is a person authorized after rigorous training in vedas and sacred rituals, and as a liaison between humans and the God. In general, as family vocations and businesses are inherited, priesthood used to be inherited among Brahmin priest families, as it requires years of practice of vedas from childhood after proper introduction to student life through a religious initiation called upanayana at the age of about five.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:51:11 +0000

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