The Veil of Moses: This small note is to My Facebook Family - TopicsExpress


The Veil of Moses: This small note is to My Facebook Family and by extension My Muslim Family. My attempt is to show Messenger Elijah Muhammad used a veiling method to hide his identity, and certain messages to be used in the days, after his passing. This note, is not for those unconscious of the Spiritual issues. Mostly, what Ive written in the past, and even write now, is born out of having gleaned from the Wisdom and Knowledge of The (Most) Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Silis Muhammad, respectively. Without whom I would know nothing of Spiritual Scholastics. I have learned that Spiritual Scholarship is of a higher level than just pure book learning. However, My talent lies in the ability to write and communicate what Ive learned from them both, so its not that I am heavy or deep. You need to know that. Also, an aside here: There are a number of persons I have in mind that inspired this note, as well. To begin: 1. Sometimes a writer in addressing an issue, makes a point obvious to the reader on the subject at hand. It sits on the surface. Yet in making the obvious point which lies on the surface, also a writer may even make an additional point, that is not so obvious to the reader at first, but maybe of equal or greater significance, to the subject at hand. The impact and/or understanding of the not so obvious point, is essentially relevant to accepting and/or concluding an understanding on the more obvious one. The acceptance or understanding of the first, and obvious point, is needed to understand the second not so obvious point. In this way the reader can look even deeper into the mindset of the writer, which then sends the reader down another path perhaps, or to a further more significant point, to the things he writes. In short You can follow a trail of a writer and come to understand where he or she wishes for YOU TO GO or an UNDERSTANDING they want for You to have. I believe Messenger Muhammad, spoke and wrote in this way. Words are powerful things. Under The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad we were encouraged to understand how to use the english language. 2. I have a little saying Ive adopted many of You often hear me say or write, that the Veil of Moses is a powerful thing. I developed the saying from the Bible, 2nd Corinthians, where it speaks of Moses placing a veil over his face. A thing to note, is that the placing of the veil is done BY MOSES! It is Moses, himself who place a veil, covering up his face. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for You, the reader, to understand. The suggestion here is that Moses covers or hides his identity. The question one should ask themselves is -- Why do Moses, the Man of God, feel or have a need to hide his face, by placing a veil over it? Moreover -- What is Mosess reason for doing so? Is his veil a physical veil or spiritual one? The scripture says that when Moses would go in a certain place he would put the veil on. And when he would come out he would take it off. Why? That answer to, is found there also but we will take more of that up, another time. (I) reason therefore in, Moses taking off the veil and putting it back on at certain places and times, that, the veil he wore is a spiritual veil, rather than a physical one. When Moses came before the people to teach they recognized him as the Man over them. But, did they recognized that he was Moses also, the Man appointed by God? Apparently they didn’t, for in the absence of Moses, they fell in the Wilderness, and it was Moses who told them that they would. With the above being said, I will assume that, those of You who have read and studied, the history, language, and work done by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (among) Us here in America, understand, that He is the real person in life, who fulfills the prophecy of Moses, whom Allah appointed and commissioned; teaching him for a period of 3 and 1/2 years; face to face, as it is assigned of him to do, in the prophesies. We all (recognize) these facts about him, notwithstanding, whether or not we know or believe him to be Moses, which he is. But, it is for certain he said to Us all, before his passing, that the Man he met with and taught him, was God In reasoning that the veil of Moses is a spiritual veil. Messenger Elijah Muhammad hide his identity in such way that the people did not know, with certainty that he was Moses. If they did know, they would not have fallen in his absence, something which Moses told the people they would do. Yet they observed his work for 40 years. A live man, impacting the lives of millions in some way or another, and was an accepted leader over Black People, in some measure. However, their minds were blinded and had not a full and complete knowledge of his identity. (I) believe and conclude, that Moses further applied this sort of veiling method in his teachings and writings, to serve us in the day after his passing, by leaving messages in layers and shrouded in sub-layers even, as signaled out in his premiere authored book, MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN IN AMERICA, and other vastly authored material of his. Messages, to be used after he had gone on to the Fathers, at a certain time, being the person also predicting, the rising again of the people, a second time. However, with the people having not a full and complete understanding of the teachings of Moses at the time of his passing, they lacked the neccessary ingredient, to prevent the fall. 3. Now it is left only to show a place in Mosess teachings where he does a sort of veiling, shrouding a message in a message, if you will, to prove the point. Let me preface this by saying as late as 2014, central to the division existing between the followers of the teachings, is still the question of the identity of Messenger Elijah Muhammad. Who is he? Is any one to come after? Is there a successor? Is he Moses, Jesus, or the exalted Christ; the prophet like Moses; the Lamb of God; the Woman, Mary; the Only Messenger, or no Messenger at all? And, while it gets heated at times. However, it is no question today, that much confusion exist and disunity prevails among the people, over The Messengers identity. A partial answer to the question of his identity is present in the quote I present below, and can, if properly understood, calm some of the debate, which then may cause some reunification of the followers of the Man we all love and cherish. And, it seems likely to me that, it should bring a measure of unity, for he is The Messenger of Allah, writing in his own authored words. Two things I ask that You do. 1. Knowing that Youre reading the words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad, try as best You can, to remove as much emotionalism as possible. I believe You may be able to hear a bit better, his thought(s). His thought(s) bears on the above question dividing the followers, in some measure, and can clear up some of the confusion, if unity is what You seek. 2. Read the quote 5 times first --BEFORE-- you complete the reading of this note. Have his book, Message to the Black Man in America, at Your side. Read above and below the statement. It is important that You come to Your own conclusion as to whether or not we are to recieve no less than (3) prophets. In the quote (I) contend that Messenger Elijah Muhammad, is saying that the people prophesied of in the scriptures, would recieve no less than 3 Messengers or Prophets, if you will, (1) Moses (2) Jesus and (3) A Prophet, who comes AFTER Moses and like Moses. Messenger Muhammad asserts this statement (central) to a disagreement with the Orthodox Muslims, who (claim) the people prophesied in the scriptures who recieves these (3) representatives, are Arab people of Muhammads time, 1400 years ago. To which Messenger Muhammad states unequivocally is Wrong! Read the statement below for Yourself and see if that is not what Messenger is saying, (3) Messengers among the people, and draw Your own conclusion. I have drawn mine. Here is the statement, dealing with the first part, as placed: They even take all of the people prophesied from Moses to Jesus, who received a prophet coming after Moses and like Moses to the people of Muhammad of 1,400 years ago. This is very wrong. MTTBMIA, page 187. line 38-41 and 188 respectively. (5 times) *****¤¤¤¤¤***** Hopefully, Youve done what was requested of You, and took a moment to actually read it, and have drawn Your own conclusion from his statement. Whether You agree or disagree with me, is fine. The point here is to show a veiling and or shrouding in his message. Whether You conclude he is saying our PEOPLE, would recieve one, two, or three Messengers or Prophets, or not. However, isnt it equally true, in the same statement, Messenger Elijah Muhammad, is saying that the Arabs have falsely CLAIMED to be US? And, in CLAIMING to be Us, Messenger Muhammad says its WRONG! Not just WRONG but VERY WRONG he says Here in the same statement, lies ANOTHER MESSAGE that leads to a whole set of other questions, which confronts us. And, by virtue of the fact the Messenger saying its VERY WRONG requires us to take note. This is just one such veiled message left for us, by him. There are many more places where he used this method. Isnt true that Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us that Mecca, Arabia is Our home? And, isnt that real property (not religion) belonging to Us? And as long as Arabs hold on to Our property, in exchange for an old dying religion, does not that presume an even greater injury to Our People? Particularly, in light of the fact that the Jews have done the same thing and abscond with our identity as well, gaining land with its use, which further deprive us of the same? This now reveals, the true intentions of those wise men from the east, who came into Our Nation, that Yellow Arab pedaling Othodox Islam to our People here in America, to keep us blind death and dumb, to the Truth. That both the Arabs and Jews have stolen away our birthright as a benefit to themselves, while we suffer. There is much more in this subject to be taken up at another time. We have a lot work to do and we need Unity. Nonetheless the point is made. Moses in the person of The Most Honorable Elijah did in fact veil or shroud various messages in many place throughout his teachings and publication. Which is why I believe he said, DO NOT TAKE WHAT I AM TEACHING AND WRITING LIGHTLY. I hope Ive made it clear. Peace to all !
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 06:29:30 +0000

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