The Violent Take it by Force! Matthew 11:12-13 And from the days - TopicsExpress


The Violent Take it by Force! Matthew 11:12-13 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. Hosanna to the Almighty God who has brought us safely to the end of a working week! Blessed be His Holy name. Amen! Imagine, from the time of John the Baptist until Now meaning God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Christianity is in great danger of being reduced to a system of theology and ethics, doctrine and dogma, laws and creeds. Many who believe in Christianity look upon it as simply a great institution. Many of them are devoted to its interests, are willing in some instances, to shape their lives more or less according to its rules, and are most untiring in their efforts to further its interests. But they are not acquainted with its Author. Their knowledge of Him is indirect and remote. But I do not want to dwell on such cold, dead, mechanical theory and practice. If Christianity is not as supernatural as in the days of Paul and Stephen, it is nothing at all. If the power of God is not so imminent and active today as it was in the times of Elijah, Elisha or Daniel, it is nothing whatsoever. The system of redemption through Jesus Christ is intensely personal. It is the revelation of a personal God, the reception of a personal Christ, the endowment with a personal Holy Ghost. Christianity requires every moment of the presence and living hand of its Author and maker who is God. Each soul must have a personal relationship with God. Jacob was an altogether different man after the experience at Peniel. Jobs life was revolutionized after he could say, Now mine eye see thee. Moses was never the same man after he met with God in the burning bush at Horeb. Joshua could never have taken Jericho if he had not met the captain of the Lords hosts. Isaiah never did much prophesying until he saw the vision of Jehovah sitting upon a throne high and lifted up. Paul was a high churchman, but his life was worse than a failure until he met God out in the big road going to Damascus. We must all meet God for ourselves. A personal knowledge of Him will make us mighty. Mountains of guilt will melt away, billows of sorrow and waves of grief and tumult will give place to peace that flows like a river:! I experienced the mighty power of the Holy Spirit when I was a doubting Thomas See, I used this powerful woman of God to answer my questions about the unenviable situation I had found myself in at the time. I was completely insincere because I was ashamed of that particular situation. Now I look back and think,maybe I should have avoided lying by speaking to her hypothetically..... but that is the problem now, the past is in the past and there is no turning back! Anyway, going back to my testimony, this lady invited me to her home one Saturday afternoon to spend time with other women who fear the Lord. A powerful speaker delivered the Word that pierced through my heart and moments after her sermon I found myself on my knees as she prayed for me. Yes, that was THE DAY when everything changed and I was filled by the Holy Spirit ..... This is a time of great opportunity in neglected fields. God is working in the slums and in the jungles. He is preeminently active in fields hitherto unworked. We must work where God is working if we would have any success. The time is Now we must awaken the world to Gods call of salvation. Revival is pregnant, just awaiting me and you to labor and give its birth. Meditate on this today, and rise up to work with God, Now as we all declare, ... not by might, nor by power, but by your Spirit oh Lord!. In the most powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen! Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Romans 10:17 Now faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Habakkuk 2:4 Now the just shall live by faith. Have a great weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 14:16:04 +0000

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