The Walking Dead FanFiction. Fiction The McDonalds sign - TopicsExpress


The Walking Dead FanFiction. Fiction The McDonalds sign flashed brightly in the predawn morning, Now serving quality, hot coffee. Violet Rose snickered as she wondered if that meant the coffee they served before was bad. A loud band caused her to cringe and crouch down beside the beat up, ford pickup truck. She took a deep breath, leaning out slightly from the rear of the truck to peer at the school yard across the lot. The school was eerie and quite, the wind blowing a paper across the empty parking lot. She could hear heavy metal music booming from the house across the street. She smiled as she watched a small group of Walkers stumble across the parking lot toward the house. She had been grateful to discover the electricity still worked in this town and that she had found a large stereo in the house. Once she had moved the stereo next to the window, she had positioned the speakers in the window and turned the volume full blast before inserting the music CD. Since the stereo had a remote to it, she had simple snuck outside, and from a safe distance while hiding in the bushes, turned the stereo on. Two walkers stood on the porch, reaching up for the half dead rabbit she had hung right above the front door. She knew between the sound of the music and the smell of fresh blood coming from the rabbit, that the walkers would be distracted enough for her to quietly walk away with her bounty of canned foods and other supplies stuffed in the all-terrain baby stroller. The first rays of sunlight were starting to spill over the mountain tops. Soon it would be harder to make it past the small groups of undead that wandered out from the buildings.Violet nibbled on an apple as she walked slowly down the road leading out of town, pulling the stroller behind her. When a walker approached to close, she would stand very still until they passed by her, heading in the direction of the music. Violet had left her three-wheeled bicycle parked next to the last red at the edge of town. Quickly she attached the tow rod to the handle of the stroller. Smiling at her success, she hopped on the bicycle and peddled her way out of the small town. Violet shivered in the cool breeze. The nights were growing colder, soon she would start packing up her belongings and continue her journey South. She would rather spend winter in the southern states where it would be warmer and with luck, she might find some other living humans. She was camped about two miles out of town. She easily spotted the trail she had made through the underbrush to a small clearing in the tree line. As she pushed her bike through the high grass, she could hear loud growling and moaning sounds coming from the directions of her campsite. Violet quickly pulled the camaflouge netting out of the basket and covered her bike. Crouching low she crept close enough to see her campsite without alerting anything to her presences.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 23:28:09 +0000

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