The Wall Street Journal about a week ago, had an article with the - TopicsExpress


The Wall Street Journal about a week ago, had an article with the heading Cheney Was Right. I have wondered since then, RIGHT ABOUT WHAT? What was he right about? Going into Iraq? Taking out Saddam Hussein who was the greatest buffer between Iran and Israel? Killing over 500,000 Iraqis? Starting a war without end? Giving birth to extreme radical factions? Making the U.S. hated throughout the region for decades to come, not unfeasible into the 22nd century? Making the quatrains of Nostradamus come to fruition? WHAT THE HELL WAS DICK CHENEY RIGHT ABOUT? Currently theres debate over the faultiness of U.S. intel on ISIS and its quicker than expected success. Personally, I prefer a president who gives much forethought to actions rather than a president who has checked his gut, spoke to God and decided to start a war. Wrong or right regarding President Obamas decision to send in special forces into Syria, Im grateful that his decision making process took some time instead of being brash. He has said this operation ...will take years... which I dont understand why but then again, Im not a tactical expert on war. It seems that destroying their money-making oil wells, equipment we left behind for Iraqs use and freezing any and all assets would suffice. The Iraqi army fell faster than dominoes despite all these years of American training they received. Whats to keep them from a similar end a year, or two, or three, or ten from now and whether the newest terror group is named ISIS, ISIL, Khalistan or Kardashian? No, DICK Cheney was wrong on Iraq, Afghanistan, drilling, no-bid contracts, fossil vs solar. DICK Cheney was WRONG ON EVERYTHING...unless of course youre part owner in Halliburton. Then, he was spot on and the greatest ally a company can have.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:04:43 +0000

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