The Wall Street Journal reports that Madam Commissar will not - TopicsExpress


The Wall Street Journal reports that Madam Commissar will not condescend to appear before the congressional committee investigating Obamacare’s catastrophic system failure: “Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is … refusing to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in a hearing this coming Thursday.” Perhaps being called a liar by Obamacare supporter Jon Stewart has driven Sebelius to her fainting couch where HHS eunuchs are even now dabbing her temples with Eau de Cologne. This would explain why, as the WSJ goes on to report, “The department is also refusing to make available lower-level officials who might detail the source or sources of this debacle.” Naturally, this mess has caused the supporters of “universal health care” to rethink the wisdom of giving so much power to the government, right? Nope. A typical example of how “serious” progressives have responded to this latest Obamacare calamity can be found in a Foreign Affairs column titled, “Doomed from the Start,” by Kimberly J. Morgan. As her title suggests, Morgan was no more surprised by the debacle than were we conservatives. Her suggested solution, however, is to give the government more power. She advises that a smarter alternative to Obamacare would be to “extend an existing, well-worn program to more people.” This is, of course, the classic “Medicare-for-All” pitch. Morgan believes Obamacare should be replaced with a single-payer model or straight socialized system like Great Britain’s abominable NHS, despite the horrors routinely inflicted by such systems on their hapless patients. Progressives have a kind of learning disability where government is concerned. They cannot absorb the reality that concentrating ever increasing power in the hands of a few apparatchiks in Washington, Moscow, or Timbuktu for that matter, will sooner or later sink the ship of state. Obamacare was a giant step in the wrong direction. A good place to reverse this dangerous trend in our country is to dump Healthcaremie and try free-market health care for once.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:05:22 +0000

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