The Washington Redskins Team Name/Mascot, it is offensive; my - TopicsExpress


The Washington Redskins Team Name/Mascot, it is offensive; my thoughts. In over 3300 words, sorry about that. As we approach the start of the NFL season this controversy is coming up again. As it has moved off the sports page and onto the front page at times I feel the need to express myself on the issue. I believe that there are some Native Americans who are offended by the use of the Redskins Mascot/Team Name, and although I understand he is unofficial Chief Zee, as a mascot for the Washington Redskins. At the same time I believe that there are some Native Americans that are not offended by the use of the Redskins, and although he is unofficial Chief Zee, as a mascot for the Washington Redskins. This ability to have and express different opinions and feelings is a part of what makes this country great. So I feel that both groups deserve respect. In order to assist those who are offended by the Use of Redskins as a mascot/team name for the Washington Redskins I have decided to go through the other 31 current NFL teams and look for one they can cheer for that has a truly inoffensive mascot/name. The Washington Redskins are supposed to represent Washing DC not Washington State. Although their stadium is in Landover Maryland. I guess Landover Redskins simply does not work for them so they decided to use Washington DC’s larger name recognition. I am not sure who should be more offended by that one, Landover, Maryland, or Washington DC. I am far from a great fan of the NFL, and no very little about some if not most of these teams so I may make a number of factual and/or analysis mistakes. Feel free to let me know about them or anything else you have to say in the comments. Those who are offended by the Washington Redskins mascot/team name discuss the original use and meaning of the word and not just how it is used and thought of today. In looking at each team one or more actual definitions will be used that may or may not be the one publicly used by the team. Arizona Cardinals The Arizona Cardinals, there are two definitions of cardinal that I will discuss; one religious and the other an animal. A Cardinal is an official in the Catholic Church, a member of the College of Cardinals, and in rank is below only the pope himself. One of their many jobs is to select the pope, from within their own membership. The members of the College of Cardinals are, among other things they have in common, all men. Used to refer to football players I am not sure how that means we should address them, may be we should use the same terms or respect they do within the Catholic Church. There are any number of groups who can and should be offended by this one, including atheists and women’s groups. Then there is the definition that the team uses, a bird that I believe has colors that are similar to those used by the team. In using an animal as a team name/mascot we are using that animal to symbolize and support violence for fun nothing but fun and money, which at its core is what football is. Humans can stand up for themselves, and often do, animals have a hard time making themselves understood by humans. At least some animals have been shown to suffer from migraines, grieving, depression, and all manner of other conditions. Given this and so much more animal rights activists need to stand up for each and every animal that is used in a team name or as a mascot and explain to us how and why they are offended by the use of that animal in a team name or as a mascot. Atlanta Falcons A falcon is a bird, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals Baltimore Ravens A raven is a bird, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Buffalo Bills On at least one level I find the fact that people are concerned that one of the groups bidding to buy the team may want to move the team out of Buffalo interesting, given the fact that the Buffalo Bills do not play in Buffalo, New York. Their stadium is in fact in Orchard Park, New York. Although if the team is moved it would be even farther away from Buffalo, New York. That potential ownership group including a number of Canadians. It would be sad for the state of New York to not have a football team, but more on that later. Bills, this one reminds me of those wonderful things I have to pay every month with money I hopefully have. Which is not something I want to be reminded of when I think of my favorite sports team. Although sometimes it reminds me of the bills passed by State and Federal legislatures and then signed into law. Again not something I want to be reminded of when I think of my favorite sports team. Then there is what the actually use for a mascot, a blue buffalo named Billy Buffalo, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Carolina Panthers The Black Panther Party, while they are often thought of as something from the past; mostly the late 1960s and early 1970s, they are still around. The certainly have an ability to offend, and have been known to have a violent side. There are I am sure people and/or groups who are offended and/or disturbed by even a slight suggested link to this group by a sports team. Generally speaking when people think of a panther the think of an animal, a type of large cat, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Chicago Bears Bear, I have a dictionary that includes two forms the word bear with forty four total definitions. As a team name/mascot a bear is an animal, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Cincinnati Bengals Bengal is a former province in NE India now divided between India ad Bangladesh. Although it is commonly used to refer to a type of tiger, that I think may be common in that area. That’s right like so many team names/ mascots it refers to an animal, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Cleveland Browns Looks so nice at first, they actually play in Cleveland and brown after all is a color, seems like such a perfect choice. Except that the do have a mascot, a dog, in fact in 2014 they are introducing an actual live dog; see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Dallas Cowboys The Dallas Cowboys, as is true of a minority of NFL teams does not play in the location they are named for. Their home stadium, in all its glory, is in Arlington, Texas, not Dallas, Texas. Sorry Arlington you are not worthy of the international publicity of having an NFL team admit to being in your city; but at least you get the traffic problems on game day. Cowboys like Native Americans are an actual group of people. I suspect there are members of this group who are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Cowboys. Denver Broncos A bronco is an untamed or unbroken horse, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Detroit Lions The Lion, sometimes referred to as the king of the animal kingdom is of course an animal, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Green Bay Packers To the best of my knowledge they do not have an official mascot. Packers, it is a profession and therefore a group of people. I am sure that there are some packers who are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Packers. Houston Texans Texans, as in citizens of Texas, some of whom, Cowboys fans for example, are I am sure offended by beinf forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Texans. Indianapolis Colts A colt is a brand of revolver, a type of gun, so watch out for the gun control lobby, you know how they get about things that can be said to symbolize those guns they think we should not have. A colt is also a male horse under the age of four, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Jacksonville Jaguars Is one of an number of NFL team names/mascots that is a wild or large cat, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Kansas City Chiefs In what I believe may have been an attempt of avoid offending Native Americans do to their historical use of the word Chief in reference to their tribal leader, a move that may or may not be successful, their official mascot is I understand a wolf, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. The more traditional Native American themed approach that the name suggests to many of us among other things involves what at least some Native Americans consider to be an inoperative and offensive use of a traditional Native American ceremonial headdress. Given that the name is still in use I am sure that some Native Americans are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should certainly be able to change the Chiefs. Miami Dolphins The Dolphin is an animal, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Minnesota Vikings Refers to a group of Scandinavian pirates who plundered the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 10th centuries and may have landed in North America long before Christopher Columbus. As they are a real group of people with descendants I am sure some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Vikings. New England Patriots They take a full Revolutionary War Minuteman approach as their mascot. As with the Vikings they are a real historical group of people with living descendants I am sure some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Patriots. New Orleans Saints Saints are dead people who after death are declared Saints by the Catholic Church, after meeting all of the requirements. The requirements include performing at least two miracles. At least some members of the Catholic Church pray directly to one of the Saints, as they do not feel worthy of praying directly to God. Clearly religious groups or groups clearly supporting one religion over another who are allowed to use public venues. Most stadiums after all are public venues. Are known to offend Atheists, among others. Not to mention the implications of how this means we should refer to and treat the players. If that is not offensive enough their official mascot is a Saint Bernard. Again trying to avoid a common traditional use of what is in their team name. A Saint Bernard is a dog, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. New York Giants Giants characters who sometimes appear in fiction are generally at least double the height of an average person and tend to be mean and/or stupid. Stereotyping people real or fictional should always offend fair minded people as should the supporting of the same by using it as team name or mascot. Additionally there is Gigantism, different but similar spelling. Gigantism is a real medical condition that causes larger then average grown due to an excess of growth hormone in childhood. This condition is known to cause circulatory and skeletal problems, I expect among other problems. People with this condition, while they do not generally approach the height used in fiction are arguable being forced to be the symbols of this football team. I am sure some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Giants. Then there is the New York part of their name, it seems that the New York Giants play their home games in New Jersey. I am not sure if New Jersey should be offended by the fact that the team feels their reputation is not enough to be included in a team name or is New York should be offended that their name is being used by a team that plays its home games in a different state. New York Jets The New York Jets it seems play their home games in the same stadium as the New York Giants. That’s right the Buffalo Bills are the only true New York NFL team. For more on who should be offended by this see the New York Giants above. The New York Jets are one of the minority of NFL teams that does not have an official mascot. This leaves us with just the word jet, which refers to or to things relating to a type of airplane. I don’t know maybe they feel that if you can’t afford one you don’t matter. Using something like a jet that refers only rich people is offensive in the same way that it would be to use a term in your team name that generally refers to poor people. Which means you could argue that the group the represent is jet owners, including owners of other teams, some of whom I am sure some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Jets. Oakland Raiders While the actual mascot used my the Oakland Raiders is hard to recognize as anything real, NFL mascots have mostly been becoming more cartoon then real for a while I believe, we can still look at the implication and definition of the word raider. Depending on your perspective this could be a reference to historical groups of raiders like the Vikings, the raiding parties at one time used by some Native American tribes, modern special forces soldiers who go on raids, or any number of other groups. All of whom are real people or who have living decedents at least some of whom I am sure some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Raiders. Philadelphia Eagles Eagles are birds, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Pittsburg Steelers Steelers, as in Steel workers, a group of people at least some of whom I am sure some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Steelers. Saint Louis Rams Historically a battering Ram was a military tool using for destroying things in front of you, not much their for a team name or mascot. A Ram however is also a male sheep, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. San Diego Chargers Their use of Boltman as a mascot, otherwise known as cell phone charger man is interesting; not sure it strikes fear in opposing teams. At the same time the team has bee in the NFL since 1970, so I am really not sure that was the original intent. A Charger is a person or thing that charges, as in a Calvary charge. Historically this involved horses, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Also they involve people. Not just historically, as they are still I believe used by at least some militaries and militant groups in at least part of the world. Any time you use a group of people you have the problem that some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Chargers. San Francisco 49ers This one refers to the California gold rush, history is such a wonderful thing. Using the gold rush in this ways says greed is good, something that may offend some people. At the same they are using a a real, historical, group of people, with actual descendants. Some of whom I am sure are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the49ers. The 49ers have a new stadium, in Santa Clara California not San Francisco, California. Which means that Santa Clara gets the traffic without the full benefits of having their name used and San Francisco gets their name and reputation used but not the sales tax revenue generated by sales at the stadium. Seattle Seahawks Their mascot is a bird, while it may not be a real one, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Buccaneers, as in pirates; a part of history, the movies, and the news. For those of you who missed it, pirates still sail at least part of the worlds oceans and seas. Any time you use real people, current or historical, you have to deal with the fact that some of them are offended by being forced to be the symbol of this football team, and naturally some that are not offended. Still if the offended can change the Redskins then they should be able to change the Buccaneers. Tennessee Titans The titans, Greek mythology, the descendants of Uranus and Gaea; gods. So many of us should be offended by the suggested that NFL players are gods that I am not sure how to begin to explain it, but I am sure that there are people out there who find it offensive. Their mascot however is actually a raccoon, see my discussion of animals under the Arizona Cardinals. To conclude I will admit that the Washington Redskins are the easiest target in the NFL. While I have looked at each and every team name or mascot in the NFL and found a problem with each and every one, the Washington Redskins are the easiest target. When you look at the historical use of the word, they at least arguably have the most offensive team name or mascot. My point is that they all can be targets of an offended person or group of people. At issue is not just should the team name and/or mascot of the Washington Redskins be changed. If those who are offended by the Washington Redskins team name/mascot succeed in getting it changed, who will they go after next. To the owners of not just the 31 other NFL teams, but to the owners of every professional football, baseball, basketball, soccer, and hockey team; I say you just might be next. As it is people are already going after teams at the K-12 and college levels. As a society we have to decide how far down this road we want to go.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 22:21:24 +0000

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