The Waters Within Us Spirit like water is a source of life. We - TopicsExpress


The Waters Within Us Spirit like water is a source of life. We cannot live dry. The more we are worn by experience, the more of an inlet we become and the more the waters of life wash out of us. This is why tears come more easily the longer we are here. Perhaps wisdom is nothing more than the unsayable waters rising within us to swell around the eye, the way that oceans soften land, evidence of that inevitable tide that takes a lifetime to rise. We are so afraid of the waters within us that we often tense as soon as we see tears, asking whats wrong, when perhaps we need to ask those at sea, what do you see? - Mark Nepo Sit quietly and recall the last time you cried. Breathe slowly and revisit the feeling of release. Breathe into that release, and look beneath what caused you to cry. Breathe deeply, and feel for the unsayable wisdom rising to cover you. We Are All Made Delicate We are all made delicate or we perish. Isnt this the cloth our griefs sew? The hard things break. The soft things bend. The stubborn ones batter themselves against all that is immovable. The flexible adapt to what is before them. Of course, we are all hard and soft, stubborn and flexible, and so we all break until we learn to bend and are battered until we accept what is before us. This brings to mind the Sumerian tale of Gilgamesh, the stubborn, hard king who sought to ask the Immortal One the secret of life. He was told that there would be stones on his path to guide him. But in his urgency and pride, Gilgamesh was annoyed to find his path blocked, and so smashed the very stones that would help him. In his blindness of heart, he broke everything he needed to discover his way. With the same confusion, we too break what we need, push away those we love, and isolate ourselves when we need to be held most. There have been many times in my life when I have been too proud to ask for help or too afraid to ask to be held, and in the frenzy of my own isolation, like Gilgamesh, I have smashed the window I was trying to open, have split the bench I was trying to hammer, and have made matters worse by bruising the one I meant to be tender with. - Mark Nepo The live bough bends. The dead twig snaps. We are humbled to soften from our griefs, or else, in brittle time, become the next thing grieved. Meditate on a situation you are now facing in which you are being hard, stubborn, and resistant. Look at your stubbornness. What are you preserving by being hard? What might break if you continue being resistant? Now look beneath your stubbornness. What do you fear will happen if you bend to the situation? What might be gained by softening? -- Wishing You Healing, Health & Happiness! Enjoy Your Day!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 00:07:31 +0000

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