The Way Ahead - A personal message from Nick Griffin Dear - TopicsExpress


The Way Ahead - A personal message from Nick Griffin Dear Friends The great benefit of many so-called ‘setbacks’ in life is that they compel those who endure them to careful analysis of what is really important, to think outside the box and to work out a better way ahead. Never has this been truer than for me and close colleagues in the British nationalist movement over the last few months. As a result, I can tell you that the new movement which is about to emerge from the Wigton Soviet train-crash wreckage of the BNP, is going to be innovative, efficient and well-balanced in its aims and achievements. A party which refuses to adapt to new external circumstances is doomed, if not to complete collapse then at least to utter irrelevance. And times have indeed changed – because we helped make them change! When I led the BNP to the electoral breakthroughs we enjoyed in the first decade of this century, we were a political icebreaker. It was our BNP that smashed through the censorship that had frozen immigration out of debate and the democratic process. The Leeds Free Speech Trials, our election breakthroughs and the way our public popularity grew with every fresh controlled media smear – it all combined to push ideas and slogans which had been demonised and outlawed for a generation into the mainstream. By March 2009, when the BNP appeared to be heading towards winning five or six MEP seats, the Powers That Be were so panicked by our relentless advance that the decision was made to unleash massive media hype for Nigel Farage. Every serious analyst knows that was the BNP nationalist threat that forced them to let the Ukip patriotic genie out of the bottle. Before 2009, the taboo on our rhetoric was so strong that there was significant political ‘space’ in which a real nationalist party could do well enough in elections to make them its measure of success and its motor of growth. Since then, with Ukip having an Establishment licence to use our imagery and slogans without serious accusations of ‘racism’ (just enough, indeed, to make the public view it as an anti-Establishment operation) the space in which we used to win is no longer there. The whole of British electoral politics has been ratcheted so far towards us that our very success in reframing the debate has closed off the short-term electoral success road for real nationalists. We need to understand that the external circumstances in which we have to operate have changed utterly. And we need to update and upgrade what we do accordingly. Anyone who denies this is either a fool or some kind of plant trying to waste your time and money with a bogus electoral mirage. It’s the World War One “lions led by donkeys” syndrome all over again! “Just one more ‘Big Push’ and it will all be over by Christmas,” they say, sending the Poor Bloody Political Infantry into 1% of the vote massacres over and over again. It’s time to stop their nonsense! Time to reinvent our nationalist struggle in ways that will bring results and rejuvenate our movement. Time to learn to fight on ground of our choosing at times that suit us. Time to win again! The first step is to take a long, cool look at Ukip. We must put behind us our natural resentment at seeing Farage and his media minders twist our words into traps for fools by the million. Instead, we must grasp the fact that Ukip’s current runaway success is just another part of the historical process. It’s another necessary step on the road to the Great Awakening. Our success set it in motion, and our innovative actions over the next few years will keep the wheels of history turning. In fact, thanks to the still untapped power of Social Media to reshape politics, we have the potential to apply fresh pressure in ways that will make those wheels turn even faster. Ukip, far from being our Nemesis, is the greatest opportunity ever to spread real nationalist ideas and influence. Our goals remain unchanged and unchangeable, what has changed is the extraordinary new potential for us to achieve them. Imagine how good it’s going to feel knowing you are playing an active role in the new movement which is going to restore the fortunes of radical British nationalism. Imagine the relief of putting the confusion and despair of the last few months in the past and once again moving forward – helping to secure our right to continue to influence the historical process that our actions and sacrifices between 2000 and 2009 set in motion. This is the renewed nationalist agenda around which we are going to rebuild the currently shattered unity of the real nationalist movement. Over the last three months I have been studying, listening, discussing, analysing and planning the way ahead. Now that the plans are coming together, I can tell you that I am more excited and enthusiastic about our realistic prospects than ever. Why? I’ll tell you shortly! Until then, keep the faith, and spread the word – Together, We’re Coming Back! To be continued…..
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:08:44 +0000

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