The Way I See It....... December is upon us! The most wonderful, - TopicsExpress


The Way I See It....... December is upon us! The most wonderful, joyous, peaceful, and hopeful time of year. And we as a country, as a people...are a mess.The things I am reading, watching, seeing and feeling are truly sad, heartbreaking and for the most part counter productive. Our country is imploding....with violence, anger, destruction and racism,,,,on both sides. We are blessed beyond measure to live in can take that to the bank...just ask any member of our military....and we are not standing together. If our young people can stand on a battlefield side by side, we can damn well navigate the streets of our cities in the same way. Does racism exist in this country..... it sure as hell does....but not every white person is racist...and not every person of color is a criminal, or someone to be feared. It is my belief that 99% of law enforcement officers across this nation are to be admired......for their bravery, sacrifice and willingness to put themselves in harms way, to make our safety a priority....we need to thank them always, for going where others fear to tread! We need to respect that....and when told to damn well better do it.....that is the law....and law prevents chaos...something we are seeing alot of lately. And also because there is that 1%....that male or female, white or black officer....who does not react well, who resorts to excessive force, fails to simply detain, defuse, defer and many times abuse their power. Nobody needs to die because they jumped a turnstile or stole some cigs! it is rare, that we as parents and families, do not know that our children are going down dark and broken paths. Inner city youth that are not working or in school are spending their time in the streets and are victims of murder by their peers constantly......white lonely boys are locking themselves in their rooms plotting a mass killing at their schools......and where are we? IT TAKES A takes talking, being present, being takes love. White people, black people, hispanic people.......stop talking smack about one another...stop to remember that we are all here are sponges......they soak up your hatred just as quickly as they pick up on your good will towards your fellow man. I will always believe that for the most part; anything built on a strong foundation....will prevail.....just as I believe that a tree with bad roots, will bear bitter fruit! In my lifetime, I have seen race relations take 500 steps forward, only to take 300 backward..........really???? This is where this long struggle has taken us ?? This is how we spit in the face of all who fought before us to end prejudice, ignorance, and disrespect for one another! Believe....that God forbid, the shit hits the fan it did on 9/11.......believe that someone who does not look like you, may be the one who saves your life! So, lets just all stop and check ourselves.....because if we ALL are not a part of the solution....we are ALL a part of the problem! Forever the optimist, forever in hope and faith.....I remain.....
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 03:16:28 +0000

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