The Week In Review - Special Monday Edition Looking forward, - TopicsExpress


The Week In Review - Special Monday Edition Looking forward, the Northeast is likely to be hit by a snowstorm. In January. Shocking, I know, right? Immediately after the storm hits, I predict that it will be blamed on Global Warming or Climate Change or whatever the hell they are calling it now. I will be the first to call the storm Superstorm Frosty. In fact, #SuperstormFrosty has a ring to it. The White House, led by the leader of the Choom Gang has stated that there will be a price to pay for the Prime Minister of Israel, a former Israeli commando, coming to DC to address Congress regarding the growing threat from a nuclear powered Iran....Let that soak in for a minute. In yet another series of foreign policy screw ups, Cuba left talks with the US stating that they werent going to change anything, the President was scolded by newspapers in India for chewing gum at a State-sponsored parade, and Yemen has been taken over by forces allied with Tehran. The mass media, Hollywood, and political leftists (I know, its a redundancy) are apoplectic with rage about American Sniper, a film which portrays a member of the US military as a hero, uses The Bible in a positive light, and was directed by a man who referred to Obama as an empty chair. Gas prices are at their lowest in years thanks to drilling on private land and in spite of the Administrations steadfast refusal to allow drilling on public land. In Breaking News, the government has announced plans to set aside millions of acres in Alaska as wilderness so that drilling is not allowed over the objections of the government of Alaska. Finally, Governor John W. Hickenlooper, the Democrat Governor of Colorado, has stated that their decision to legalize pot was a bad idea. Seriously. They just now figured it out. It just keeps getting more and more absurd.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:17:58 +0000

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