The Weekly Greenville NUUS for May 29, 2014 CONGREGATIONAL - TopicsExpress


The Weekly Greenville NUUS for May 29, 2014 CONGREGATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT THIS SUNDAY June 1st 12:00 Noon Annual Congregational Meeting The Annual Congregational Business Meeting will be held on June 1st at 12pm, immediately after the service. Agenda items include the 2014-2015 proposed budget, the slate of board of trustees and nomination committee candidates, by-laws amendments, and awards and recognitions. See details below. Please plan to attend. Calendar Reminders THIS SUNDAY June 1st 9:30 am Mindfulness Meditation in the Library 10:30 am Sunday Service So That All May Grow Into Harmony Led by Rev Rod Thompson, Interim Minister We say the Unison Affirmation every Sunday, where this is the sixth line; but I wonder if we know to what you are committing yourselves. Im looking at each of the six lines of this affirmation, one at a time, one a month, concluding with this Sunday. Ill want your responses, too. 12:00 Noon Annual Congregational Meeting Upcoming Congregational Events Tuesday, June 3rd 6:30 pm Session 12 - The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit and Life! This is the final session of this UUA developed program and we are a Test Site! The program deals with money and the way it intersects with our spiritual and ethical values. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention all SECRET PAL PARTICIPANTS!!! There will be a brief but FUN Big Reveal event at the end of the service next Sunday, June 8th! Mark your calendars and be sure to attend next Sunday to both reveal your identity to your Secret Pal and to find out whos been sending you all those gifts n goodies this year. NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 8th. The Membership Committee is working to update the congregations directory. Alice Arnold will be taking pictures for the directory every Sunday in June, after the service. Please see Alice if you do not have a picture in the directory or if you would like to update your current picture. If you already have a photo you would like for us to use, we will be happy to try and incorporate that. If your address, phone number or e-mail has changed since the last directory, please submit the changes to Becky Woelkers - beckyw09@yahoo. CARDS FOR THE TROOPS As a follow up to last weeks very moving Memorial Day service, cards are still available to sign for currently deployed troops. The cards are on the cabinet with the hymnals. Ann will collect all cards for inclusion in packages shipped by NCPacks4Patriots. Annual meeting Info: The board has proposed the following budget for the UUCG 2014-2015 fiscal year. Thanks to generous pledges from members, we are able to fully fund our dreams this year. Revised Proposed UUCG Budget 2014-2015 Income Pledges $90,000 Fundraising Income $8,000 Other Income $5,000 Rental Income $3,500 Total Income $106,500 Expense Total Ministerial Package $64,000 Childcare $1,940 Denominational Affairs (Dues) $6,050 Insurance $2,100 Office Supplies $2,600 Telephone $1,400 Utilities $5,000 Committees Building & Grounds $6,380 Fellowship $150 Hospitality $150 Membership $740 Religious Education $7,970 Stewardship $100 Worship $4,620 Savings $2,300 Contingencies $1,000 Total Expense $106,500 Share the Plate/Social Action $2,700 From the Nominating committee: Slates are as follows: Board: President Rich Elkins Vice President Brenda Stewart Secretary Shannon Terry MAL Tom Thielen MAL. Cam Scales Feryl will continue as Treasurer and Terry will do second year of her MAL term. Nominating Committee Tom Thielen Judi Hickson Michael Betteken Proposed Bylaw Amendments: Current bylaws: Article V. Congregational Meetings. The Congregation shall have regular programs or services. An Annual Meeting shall be held in May at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees. Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Trustees and shall be called at the written request of any five voting members. Voting members shall be notified in writing at least seven days in advance of the time, place, and agenda of the Annual Meetings and Special Meetings. In writing means mailed for expected arrival, hand delivered, or e-mailed if pre-approval of the recipient for such e-mail notification is on file with the Secretary. Business transacted shall be affirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of voting members present. A quorum of one half (1/2) of the voting members is required to be present for making decisions. Votes by proxy are allowed to count towards quorum. Proxies must be in writing and signed by the member. No member shall cast more than two votes (their own plus one proxy). Motion to Amend the Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greenville by striking the current Article V (shown above) and replacing it with the following: Article V. Congregational Meetings. The Congregation shall have regular programs or services. An Annual Meeting shall be held in the Spring of each year at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees for the purpose of electing officers, approving the annual budget, and conducting any other needed business without any requirement for quorum, supermajority, or advance agenda unless specified elsewhere in the bylaws. The time and location of the Annual Meeting shall be announced at all regularly scheduled services and in all periodic publications for a period of no less than one (1) month before it is held. Special Meetings may be called by the Board of Trustees and shall be called at the written request of any five voting members. Voting members shall be notified in writing at least seven days in advance of the time, place, and agenda of Special Meetings. In writing means mailed for expected arrival, hand delivered, or e-mailed if pre-approval of the recipient for such e-mail notification is on file with the Secretary. Business transacted shall be affirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of voting members present. A quorum of one-third (1/3) of the voting members is required to be present for making decisions at a Special Meeting. Votes by proxy are allowed to count towards quorum. Proxies must be in writing and signed by the member or sent to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees by email from an address verified by the member. No member shall cast more than two votes (their own plus one proxy). This Amendment, if approved by the Congregation, shall become effective on 1 July 2014. Explanation and rationale: The annual meeting of the congregation is one which must be held in order for the congregation to continue into the new church year with all officers elected and an operating budget approved. As such, it should be held regardless of how many members are present, but members should have increased advance notice of this meeting to assure they can be present if they wish to be part of the proceedings. Unlike a Special Meeting, this meeting is for general purpose and any business may be considered without need for advance notice of the agenda, except for Bylaws Amendments, which require notification by Article XI and is done by majority vote unless otherwise constrained in the bylaws requiring a higher supermajority (removal of an officer or bylaws amendments require 2/3 and calling a settled minister requires 4/5). With the increased period of notice, individual notification of members will no longer be required, but it must be announced at services for at least a month, and in any periodic publications (right now, this would be the Order of Service, The Beacon, and the weekly NUUS. Periodic Publications is used generically rather than specifying individual publications which may become obsolete, replaced, or supplemented by newer forms of regular announcements) Special meetings still require a quorum, but this quorum is reduced from one-half to one-third. Proxies are still permitted such that members not able to attend with shorter notice may still have their voices heard. Any items to be considered at a Special Meeting must be disclosed in the agenda for that meeting and no other business may be considered. Any business considered at a special meeting (except for the dismissal of a minister per Article VIII) must have 2/3 vote of those present.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 20:52:13 +0000

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