The Wests Dangerous Misreading of Putin In Ukraine Share 3 - TopicsExpress


The Wests Dangerous Misreading of Putin In Ukraine Share 3 Comments Western diplomats and media interpret Putin’s press conference as a welcome step back from confrontation. His goals accomplished – the securing of Russian forces in the Crimea and protecting Russian speakers from ethnic violence – Putin has declared that he is walking back the military option, although he reserves the right to protect the interests of ethnic Russians as well as Russia’s own interests in Ukraine. Alarmingly, Western diplomats and media laud Putin’s support of elections. Putin is going to allow the Ukrainian people to decide their own fate. Let’s breathe a collective sigh of relief. This would be a foolhardy and dangerous conclusion. The Europeans and Americans must now decide how to punish Putin for his invasion of a sovereign country in violation of three international treaties. Or should they let him off yet one more time. After all, Russia can inflict considerable economic damage on Europe, Germany, in particular, so the conventional wisdom argues. When all is said and done, the “old” Europe will likely decide to turn the other cheek – to the dismay of Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic States. After all, Old Europe will argue Crimea’s being a part of Ukraine is a historical anomaly, and Russia has a right to protect its military assets. President Obama will perfunctorily press for sanctions to allay charges from the Republicans that his weakness led Putin into this adventurism, and 2014 is an election year. He will prove unable to organize meaningful sanctions. Obama’s only action may be to boycott the G8 meetings scheduled in Sochi as a light face saving device. Vladimir Putin with former German chancellor, Schroeder (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Perhaps the West is simply pretending that Putin’s goals are limited to the Crimea and that a real crisis has been averted. Or do they not understand the obvious: that Putin has an overarching goal for the whole of Ukraine: He cannot afford an increasingly prosperous democratic Ukraine, integrated into Europe, on his western border. Such a Ukraine means the end of his ambition to reconstitute the Soviet Union in a Eurasian Union. The example of a growing and democratic Ukraine would undermine his political lockdown of dissent. A European Ukraine threatens Putin’s ambition to beat Stalin’s record tenure of a quarter century as Russia’s cult of personality. Among the few who understand our dangerous misreading of Putin is Anne Applebaum, who looks at Putin’s strategy from a Polish vantage point. She asks why should Putin invade Ukraine, when he can covertly destabilize it from the Kremlin? Putin is even more likely to achieve his goal of a weak and unaligned Ukraine by using his shop worn covert “dirty tricks” he learned as a KGB officer than by armed action. Putin has already inserted insignia-less armed men in strategic towns and cities throughout eastern and southern Ukraine. When asked, they refuse to identify themselves or they claim they are local “volunteers,” but the local residents know who they are. Putin has a disciplined cadre of KGB (now called FSB) agent provocateurs, spreading out through Russian speaking Ukraine. They have plenty of “walking around money” (to use a U.S. political expression) to hire mobs and demonstrators to menace pro-government forces and to occupy public buildings that proudly waive the Russian flag. Putin’s KGB provocateurs will penetrate and finance right-wing nationalist groups and even better Nazis to demonstrate on the streets of Kiev for the benefit of international and Russian camera crews. On the economic front, Putin’s oligarchs will cancel deliveries and payments to East Ukraine’s heavy industry to create a constituency of unpaid workers to march on his side. But wait: Did not Putin say he favors elections, and that Ukrainians should decide their own fate at the ballot box? In fact, elections fit well in his plans to destabilize Ukraine. He devoted much of his press conference to complaints that Ukraine appoints regional officials from Kiev. That cannot be, nags Putin (who introduced the same practice in Russia). Putin knows that he can use his money and covert forces to win enough regional offices in Russian-speaking Ukraine to act in his interests and destabilize the central government in Kiev. Under Putin’s scenario, a Ukrainian election will bring to power a weak central government that has little control over the regions to the east and south, yielding a sort of de facto disintegration of Ukraine. Putin’s agents will work in Kiev to magnify disputes, stir up feuds, and generally paralyze the central government. Putin has sized up the situation and has decided that a quiet and slow takeover/destabilization is more likely to work than armed aggression and is less likely to elicit a Western response. With the thousand blows administered one by one, the West will not understand their cumulative effect or their cumulative nature. What can the West do? First, it must recognize that Putin has no intention of giving up his long-term goals for Ukraine. Second, the West must come up with a real financial rescue package, quickly available, to give the Ukrainian government the wherewithal to counter Putin’s “walking around money” and combat Putin’s economic destabilization of the East. Three, Ukraine can free itself from Putin’s grasp only as an integrated member of the European Union and NATO. The last I looked, Putin does not have the power to decide who enters the EU accession process. Fourth, I find it puzzling that the United States and Europe, themselves unwilling to get involved militarily, are not supplying Ukraine with advanced weaponry. If we are not willing to fight, at least give Ukraine the means of defending itself. Fifth, according to international law and treaties, the United Nations, the Helsinki group, and even NATO have the right to place observers on the ground in Russian speaking Ukraine to monitor and protect eastern and southern Ukrainians from the “brutal attacks” that Putin has used as an excuse of intervention. Sixth, NATO is free to conduct military exercises on the Polish border and even in the Baltic States. These exercises would send an invaluable message to Ukraine and the states bordering Russia. Seventh, Old Europe must understand that Russia has limited economic leverage over it. The near bankrupt Russia cannot afford to lose one Euro of gas revenue from Europe. The European Union need only decide to accelerate the anti-trust suit against Russia’s gas monopoly, which would cost Russia billions in fine. In the United States, Obama could approve the Keystone pipeline and drop the ban on oil and gas exports. To have the spine to take these steps, the West must come to an understanding of Putin’s strategy. As long as they think the crisis is over, they will take the easy way out. My guess is that, indeed, we’ll let Putin win again.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:29:04 +0000

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