The White House by night. At home with President Barack - TopicsExpress


The White House by night. At home with President Barack Obama. ***ENJOY THE EXCERPT, THEN TREAT YOURSELF TO THE BOOK*** “The door opened and the easily recognised face of the #PresidentoftheUnitedStates looked out. He appeared to sniff the air in the corridor. There was a most enormous grin pasted all over the visage of the Chief Executive of the most powerful state on Earth. The Head of Security almost fell over when he saw what happened next. #BarackObama emerged completely from the doorway. He was naked apart from a pair of Old Glory boxers. He was walking on all fours. There was an enormous striped furry tail snaking its way out of a hole that was strategically placed in the back of the executive underpants. The Head of Presidential Security could hardly credit what his eyes were telling him. The President of the United States was behaving like a gigantic #cat. The tail made him look like one too. What was he to do? He had taken delivery of outsize cigars for Bill Clinton. The batteries that were used to give life to the robot that was George W. Bush even passed through his hands. But this was different. He could scarcely be expected to confront his boss and tell him to tuck his tail in. It was more than his job was worth. The best thing to do was just sit where he was and watch the presidential progress on the cameras. So that is exactly what he did. The Cat-President put his tail straight up in the air and reversed to within one foot of the door he had just emerged from. A jet of liquid was propelled from just beneath his swaying appendage, to drip down the doorpost and soak into the #WhiteHouse carpet. The President was marking his territory. The cleaners were going to have a job in the morning. Barack Obama sauntered away from the messy doorway and bounded up the stairs.” Treat yourself to a copy of “The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama” today. You won’t regret it. amazon/Zombie-Cat-Barack-Obama-appearances-ebook/dp/B009CYBTC8/ref=sr_1_42?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1402404021&sr=1-42&keywords=political+humor Also available from all #Amazon sites.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:43:17 +0000

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