The White House needs to really re-think the people they are - TopicsExpress


The White House needs to really re-think the people they are employing at The Marketplace has dropped our two youngest children from our healthcare plan because according to them we never sent them documentation verifying our children were legal US Citizens. We went through Ohio Health Benefits and dealt with a Broker who needed all of that information from us before he could even give us an idea of cost for our health insurance. I have contacted the Marketplace repeatedly over the last THREE WEEKS and have gotten no where! I have sent in documentation verifying that our children are NOT ILLEGAL and guess what?? When I called today, I was told by Supervisor Penney that our file has NOT been sent to an Escalation Department like I was told not once, but TWICE by supervisors at the Marketplace. Yes Ms. Trout and Ms. Melly Hall, Im talking about the two of you!! I have contacted our Ohio State Representative, the Ohio US Senators Office, the Ohio Attorney General and the Ohio Department of Insurance. Ive also contacted every northeast Ohio news station. At this point, I have very little hope that there is anyone who knows how to do there job at the Marketplace. This is obviously a clerical error on the part of the Marketplace and someone there needs to stop giving me the run around and fix their mistake immediately! My kids need to be put back on our insurance policy and have it valid from the moment they were mistakenly dropped!! I am beyond frustrated and have never, in my life, dealt with a more incompetent company who cant fix a simple, clerical error!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:00:54 +0000

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