The White Indians of Darien, Panama are they Descendants of the - TopicsExpress


The White Indians of Darien, Panama are they Descendants of the Pre-Inca? Myans? Other? Over many centuries rumors of White Indians have existed in Panama, Columbia, Brazil, Mexico, America, and other countries in the Western Hemisphere. This article will focus on the Darien, Panama stories. Back in the early 1920s we find one Robert O. Marsh searching for good land for use as Rubber Tree Farming, or existing trees in order to help offset the English & Brazilian Monopoly on the market at the time. Thus he was sent by Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone to look for suitable rubber lands. Having explored the region between the Canal and Costa Rica they being too irregular for large-scale rubber growing, the only other chance available would be the almost unexplored sections of Darien south to the Columbia boarder. This is how Mr. Marsh came to be in this part of the world, and by fate or accident stumbled upon a myth, the things of legends of his time, the White Indians of Darien. History shows us that Panamas area was rich in Gold, and some Silver, and over the generations the Spaniards, English, and others have sought for these things and in the process done much damage to the Indians of the regions, many dark deeds done many deaths and wars so the current Indians of Mr. Marshs days were very wary of any White or Negros who came into their lands, most prospectors never returned from the inner regions of this area. But legends and myths, stories do seem to drift out from the inner lands. The Indians on the Pacific coast believe firmly that some where in the tangled wilderness behind the mountains there is a stone city still in inhabited by its builders - Mayans or some race equally mysterious. It has never been seen. The coast Indians are persona non grata in the interior. They only repeat the tales which have drifted out for them from the unknown. (White Indians of Darien, Marsh p. 19) In todays thinking we would suggest if there is unknown people, or rumors of such, why not just fly over the place an see what you can find, in the dense jungles and forests of Meso America it is hard to see past 10 yards beyond the edge of the rivers used for most travel as it is easier. Thus a search by air seems more reasonable. Back in the 1920s Mr. Marsh felt the same. Mr. Marsh had called upon General Babbitt, Commandant at Quarry Heights and ranking army officer in the zone, (note: Canal Zone) telling him of a tribe of white Indians that he (Marsh) had found in the interior of the isthumus. This is the answer the officer gave him: Marsh, he replied, I believe you and Ill tell you why. As you probably know, we maintain a secret wireless station on the Caribbean coast near Columbia. At least its supposed to be secret. About twice a month we send an airplane down there with mail. These planes are supposed to fly first to Colon, then follow the Caribbean coast to the station. Just recently I sent a Lieutenant Arnold on the trip. He broke rules and flew straight across the interior. The clouds forced him to fly very low. When he returned, he reported orally to me that he had passed over a village in the interior which was inhabited by white-skinned people, living like Indians. (White Indians of Darien, Marsh, pp. 37-38) When Mr. Marsh began his search he did in fact use two army planes in the process, unfortunately they had only one flight. Upon their return the new Army General in the Canal Zone refused further usage of his planes for such a worthless and dangerous venture. Up until this time Mr. Marsh was a pure skeptic, he had heard the rumors of White Indians, of course but gave them the same validity as the rumors of a Man-Ape beast in the jungle as well. Eventually he charters a boat and his team travels up the inner river to the town of Yavisa, which consisted of only 50 ramshackle bamboo huts. While he was talking to the head man of Yavisa Mr. Marsh had his paradigm change before his eyes. Across the narrow clearing were walking three young girls, perhaps fourteen to sixteen years old. They wore nothing but small loin-clothes. And their almost bare bodies were as White as any Scandinavians. Their hair, falling loosely over their shoulders, was bright gold! Quickly and gracefully they crossed the open space and disappeared into the jungle. I turned to the negro headman in amazement. White Indians! The one tale of Latin America in which no respectable explorer dare to believe! The headman did not seem to to consider the sight unusual. They come from a tribe which lives in the mountains up the Chucunaque, he said in explanation. Before this they havent come so far down the valley. But a little time ago they built a house above our village, and families of them come down to trade with us. Some are white, Some are dark like other Indians.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:42:23 +0000

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